Heart disease can be prevented in these 5 ways

Here are five simple ways you may not have known how to protect yourself from heart disease. Read them and adopt them as soon as possible.

Get rid of trans fats

02 srce

Some University Scientists say it is possible to reduce the risk of heart disease if you reduce the intake of trans fats. Just one per cent is enough to reduce to preserve the health of this organ. For example, there is trans fat in margarine or butter-flavoured popcorn. Reduce your consumption of these foods, and increase your vegetable intake.

Consume potassium

03 srce

A CDC study found that consuming potassium reduces asystolic pressure, the recommended dose is 1000 milligrams. Potassium can be found in bananas, sweet potatoes and tuna.

Also check: Healthy food


04 srce

Scottish scientists have found that 20 minutes of exposure to UV rays increases the production of nitric oxide, which reduces pressure.

Sunbathe for 10 minutes twice a week, but consult a dermatologist beforehand.

If you have had any skin disease, forget about this short sunbathing.

Enjoy the silence

Your heart is constantly at risk if you live in a busy place. If you can’t get away from the noise during the day when you go to sleep, buy earplugs and sleep in complete silence.

Get a dog

05 srce

Believe it or not. Pet owners have lower blood pressure than people who live without pets. This is especially true for dogs.

Get a dog and walk him several times a week.

This will have a completely relaxing effect on you, and you will also preserve your heart health.

The breakfast

06 srce

Start the morning with breakfast and by no means forget this rule.

In a recent study from Hardware, people who skip breakfast were 27 per cent more likely to develop coronary heart disease, probably due to higher blood sugar and trichloride levels.

Before you start with your daily obligations, first have a good breakfast and then finish everything else.

If you adopt these rules, you will see the first results at the next medical examination!

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