Physical activity: 1st natural antidepressant

Healthy body, healthy mind. When the spirit fails, depression approaches. Does anyone remember at that moment to first try the most natural remedy – training? Mostly not. Antidepressants are the first association because we are so taught.

Because the majority of the adult population drinks antidepressants, and that is accepted as something that is taken for granted. Such as heart disease and daily medication.

Also check: Physical activity


02 fizicka aktivnost

We naturally look for easier solutions. If we want to lose weight – give a diet pill if we want not to be depressed – give a good mood pill. The rate of depression is ten times higher today than it was two generations ago.

The obesity epidemic is following in her footsteps

The more modern society lives, the higher the rate of depression in it. It sounds paradoxical, but the explanation is simple – the human body was not created for the modern post-industrial environment.

It was not created to eat non-stop, to eat processed food, to move from the apartment to transport, from transport to work and that’s it… It was not created for so much stress that comes with an accelerated lifestyle. It is not created for countless pieces of information a day.

It all affects our hormones, mood and mental health. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol (stress hormone) directly affect the creation of inflammatory processes in the body, emotional overeating, maintenance of bad habits, insomnia, insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction and leads to many other problems.

You are chronically tired no matter how much you sleep, you are obese or thin, you have dry skin, hair, hair falls out, nails break, you have dark circles, stomach problems, heart palpitations, anxiety, you are anxious, you are irritated and sad.

Also check: Resolve problems

And what are we doing about it?

03 fizicka aktivnost

We take tranquillisers and treat insulin resistance with drugs, we have never received serious recommendations about physical activity, it is left to our free will, but without an explanation why we need it.

We only know it’s healthy. Not enough to take action.


If so, why don’t we know anything about it?

Now think carefully about the following: “Antidepressant Drugs Market is valued at USD 13.69 Billion in 2018 and expected to reach USD 15.88 Billion by 2025 with the CAGR of 2.15% over the forecast period.”

Does this information mean anything to you? There are hundreds of studies that show how physical activity affects mental health.

You can also check for yourself. Even with a small dose of physical activity – brisk walking three times a week, patients who exercised had as good results as those who took pharmacotherapy.

It is even more important to point out that in the eight-month follow-up period. Depression returned even THREE TIMES more often in patients who were taking antidepressants, compared to physically active patients.

Did you know that research has shown that with regular physical activity you can act PREVENTIVELY on the occurrence of depression by as much as 26%?

For this you need everything:

  • an hour of walking a day or
  • 15 minutes of running.

Or any physical activity you enjoy. Unfortunately, it is much easier to prescribe an antidepressant with a side recommendation: Start with some physical activity. Without any explanation, how, why, which and how much can actually help you.

Also check: Natural cure

And we’re not just talking about the mental health segment

The same thing happens in the fitness industry. Ask yourself how often you see ads for products like acid medications, bloating, but no one actually says where that bloating comes from and that it’s just a bad food choice!

How, then, can the average person have an idea of how to be healthy?

It’s not the doctors’ fault that they don’t teach us that. Their task is not to educate us but to help us heal from the consequences.

It is not realistic to tell each patient something that should be taught in primary school, something that should be part of general education. So the problem is systemic.

Uninformed people = more disease = more profit

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That is why it is up to us to educate ourselves. When you hear the word fitness, it probably only associates you with training and shaping the body through diet. Unfortunately, this view of fitness is completely wrong although widely accepted. Training is not just about physical appearance!

How exactly does training help us?

We will now do a small comparative analysis of the principle on which antidepressants work and the principle of physical activity. An antidepressant is not a cure for a better mood. It does not work in people who do not have a problem with depression. If you do not have depression but just want a better mood, if you take an antidepressant, nothing will happen. The antidepressant works by restoring the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. However, antidepressants are not effective in all patients.

Approximately, 30% of depressed patients do not respond to therapy. They are no better. Or their symptoms return when they stop the therapy.

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This can be explained by the fact that the complex pathophysiology of depression is not fully elucidated, and treatments are mainly developed by the “monoaminergic hypothesis” which believes that depression is a consequence of an imbalance of monoamine neurotransmitters – serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

This hypothesis dates back to the 1950s.

What is important in depression and what is not taken into account in this hypothesis is the role of chronic stress and various inflammations in the body (which in between can be the result of an unhealthy diet). Depression is just one of the problems that this disrupted structure can lead to.

There are also problems with the thyroid gland, Hashimoto, insulin resistance, diabetes type 2, heart problems and more.

When serotonin (the hormone of happiness) stops performing its function, the stress response system can go wild. So, you are under stress non-stop, and serotonin will not make a balance. You are overwhelmed with stress and here are great bases for the appearance of depression. Antidepressants actually only restore that balance.


You don’t need any medication for that

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The more stress, torment, the obligation you have in the day – the more physical activity you need! Read this three times.

So, it’s not “I have too many obligations and stress, I don’t have time for training”, but “I have too many obligations and stress, that’s why I don’t have the luxury of NOT HAVING TIME FOR TRAINING.”

During training, serotonin, dopamine, endorphins are NATURALLY secreted – EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED TO ATTACK THAT STRESS AND PUT IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM.

With training, you not only influence the secretion of these beautiful substances but also get rid of the bad ones that corrode your body and mood!


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07 fizicka aktivnost

Antidepressants have possible side effects. But, even if you have to take antidepressants, if you combine them with training, the possibility of side effects of antidepressants decreases by 60 to 80%.

Some of the possible side effects are – Fattening, insomnia or drowsiness, loss of sexual desire, impotence. While physical activity has a positive effect on all that and at the same time has a healing effect on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual.

NOTE: If you are already taking antidepressants as recommended by your doctor, DO NOT REDUCE OR INTERRUPT ON YOUR HAND. This can cause an even bigger problem. You don’t do that at all. In any case, you can introduce the physical activity.

In addition to physical activity, it is necessary to work on a psychological level – the way of thinking, reasoning, beliefs, cognitive patterns that accompany you through life, so that physical activity would not be just an exhaust valve from constant stress caused by your way of thinking.