Ego or disease called – ME!

A trait that other people will not receive with enthusiasm is someone’s ego. Therefore, try to cover it up or hide it, if you are not already able to completely deal with it. Your life will be happier and more meaningful. And here are a few “details” that you should pay attention to.


Because we give ourselves exceptional credit for our success, the ego makes us think that we are special, better than others and that the rules do not apply to us.

As success arrives for a team that has just won an important championship, the ego begins to play with our minds and weakens the will that led us to victory. It’s no secret that empires always fail, so you need to put your finger on your forehead and think about why they always collapse from the inside?

Then we stop listening, learning and thinking about what is important. Sobriety, organization and openness to new ideas are great stabilizers.

Those egos and pride, which come with results, bring into balance. That’s why the most important question you can ask yourself is: “can I stand success or is it the worst thing that has ever happened to me?”

Always stay a student

02 Ego

The legend of Genghis Khan resonates throughout history. Not only was he one of the greatest military minds ever to live, but he was also a lasting student whose astonishing victories were often the result of his ability to absorb the best technologies and innovations of every new culture his empire encountered.

Genghis Khan was not born a genius. Instead, as some learned men have said, he was the greatest conqueror mankind had ever known, for he was more open to learning and new knowledge than any other military leader ever.

Every victory and progress made him smarter. They also confronted him with situations he had never encountered before. It takes special humility to realize that you know less, even when you are aware that you know and understand more and more.

With success comes the pressure to pretend to know more than reality. More precisely, to pretend that we already know everything. It is a concern and a risk. To think that we are ready and confident when in reality understanding and skills are fluid and continuous processes.

Also check:

Don’t tell yourself stories

One coach of a great sports team, in due time, took over a very bad team and in a relatively short time made him a champion. It was an ideal moment for him to say to himself by raising the cup that he is the best coach who managed to make a loser a winner in a very short time.

And that it was his plan all the time, but also the main goal. That would, indeed, be a good story, if all the events were planned in detail and everything went as he wanted. And that he is so good and talented. Moreover, no one would criticize him for such a statement.

However, he refused to indulge in such fantasies. Telling a story to yourself when you look at something amazing and uncertain on the path of your success and say “I knew I would succeed”, instead of “I hoped, I worked, and I had some relief.”

Of course, you didn’t know everything all the time. Even if it is, it is more hope than knowledge.

Creating a story from previous events and human impulse is dangerous and untrue. Writing your own story leads nowhere but to arrogance. Facts are better than stories.

What is important to you?

03 Ego

We never seem to be happy with what we have. We want what others have, and we want to have more than everyone else. In the beginning, we understand what is important to us, but when we achieve that, we lose sight of our personal priorities.

The ego begins to affect us, and it can destroy us. Most of us start with a clear idea of what we want to do in life, but the success we achieve — especially if it arrives too soon and in abundance — puts us in an unusual place.

The more often we encounter success, the more often we meet other successful people, who make us feel insignificant. Namely, it doesn’t matter how well we work: personal ego and successes make us feel completely insignificant – zero! Because of all this, we unconsciously raise the pace and criteria to compete with others.

And in that way, we are desperately chasing something that will not bring us pleasure. So it’s time to sit down and think about those things that are really important to us, and then forget about everything else.

Also check:

Law, control and paranoia

With success, especially with power and authority, come some of the biggest and most dangerous misconceptions: law, control, and paranoia.

We begin to overestimate our own strength, then we lose perspective. The law says – it’s mine, I earned it. Control says – all this must be done my way, even small and insignificant things.

It can become paralyzing perfectionism. Paranoia says – I can’t trust anyone, I’m completely alone in this, and I’m surrounded by fools.

Everyone had or saw a similar boss, partner or parent. All those quarrels, anger and conflicts never ended well. According to them, of course.


Throughout life, the system and work habits that have brought us to where we are willing do not necessarily keep us in that place. When we are just at the beginning of our career, we can make up for the disorganization with hard work and with a little luck.

That, however, will not help us when we reach a high position. In fact, it will completely submerge us if we are not able to improve and organize.

When you become successful in your field, your responsibilities begin to change. Days are less and less reduced to work, and more and more to decision making. This transition requires a reassessment of personal identity updates.

This requires a certain humility and the need to put aside some of the pleasant or satisfying segments of your previous job. This means, among other things, that some other people might be qualified or specialized in some areas in which you considered yourself competent.

Beware of diseases called “I”!

04 Ego

One of the very successful people in his business says that successful teams tend to follow certain paths. At first, the team is innocent. If the conditions are good, they all stick together, look after each other and work together on a collective goal. This phase can be called an innocent ascent.

Once the team begins to achieve enviable results, it is the turn of media attention, simple connections that have united and connected individuals, begin to clash.

Individuals overestimate personal contribution and significance. Frustrations appear, ego… After an innocent ascent, almost, as a rule, it is the turn of a disease called “I.”

It can happen to any winning team, at any time. Then, team members begin to imagine that they are better and special, that their problems and experiences are so different from other people, that no one could understand them.

Once you succeed in business, all the awards and recognitions become significant. Quantitatively.

Then, it all starts to be collected for personal interests, not for the team. It is an attitude that immerses far better teams and people than we do ourselves. We have no right to be greedy or to pursue personal interests when they are to the detriment of other people.

Keep your composure

05 Ego

Sobriety means removing unnecessary and destructive things. No more obsessions about reputation, contempt for people below you or above you, insistence on first-class or “star” syndrome. Sobriety is a weight that must balance successes, especially when things get better and better.

There is a saying that if you want to be happy, you live mysteriously a secretly. The most successful people are, for the most part, the ones you’ve never even heard of. They just want it that way. It makes them sober and helps them do their job just the way it needs to be.

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