When your libido weakens: How to regain your sex drive?

What does it actually mean when a man’s libido weakens? Does that make him less of a man? And how to regain sex drive?

Don’t be scared

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Low libido in men is not uncommon. In fact, every fourth man has this problem, according to a study by one association. One of the authors of the study confirmed that 30 per cent of women said that they felt stronger lust than their male partners.

If you only occasionally refuse sex, there is no reason to worry.


Stress is the strongest biological inhibitor of sexual desire, which means that it slows down (or even disables) sexual reactions.

Experts suggest that you solve this problem with the help of physical activities that are more social, relaxing and less competitive. For example, exercise with a partner in the gym, but do not indulge in tennis and the like.

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Change medications

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Prescribed medications can help you with depression or hair loss, but they can also negatively affect your libido.

Doctors say that drugs to prevent hair loss can permanently affect the loss of sex drive. However, the biggest danger lies in antidepressants. Many medications prevent depression but have side effects. One of the biggest is the loss of libido.

Macho influence

Men are expected to be strong, brave, to solve problems and to be champions in sex. When those expectations fail, problems arise.

In fact, job loss is one of the main causes of decreased libido. Scientists believe.

Also check: Sex drive

Relieve pressure

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Masculinity does not mean a perfect erection or frequent thinking about sex. Porn films contribute the most to that unrealistic picture. When you watch adult films, you see guys who are in a good mood for hours, but that is not the reality.

So don’t compare yourself to others and expect yourself to follow their opportunities. Don’t think too much about what happened, don’t worry about disappointing her again and just relax.

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Tease yourself

Sometimes waking up sexual energy looks like starting an old car. You will need to press the petrol a few times to ignite.

To raise sexual desire, try masturbation several times a day, but as soon as you approach the climax, stop. Sex experts also advise you to watch porn films without touching. It will be the right trigger for your body!

Sexy maids, nurses, cops…

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Even though there is a real beauty in front of you – in sex, underwear or undressed, are you simply bored? This is a common problem in long relationships.

Men who face this problem are advised to freely have more sexual fantasies and try these elements in their bed with a partner to make the whole thing more interesting.

It is very important to refresh the relationship again and again with new exciting details.

Also check: Teaser

Good kiss

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It doesn’t take much for the necessary feelings to return. One passionate kiss from your partner is enough. By kissing, our body secretes oxytocin, which creates a strong bond with a person and a feeling of strong intimacy.

It is a very strong hormone. 20 seconds of gentle caressing is enough, and you will feel as if you have drunk a bottle of wine.

Let’s go now

Even if you don’t feel 100 per cent ready, give it a try. That doesn’t mean you have to go all the way. It is enough to be intimate. Relax, get rid of the pressure and enjoy.