Most men generally have a ready-made, well-developed script that will serve to take the girl to bed. Few of us think about the first minute, the first hour, the first morning after sex. Especially if it’s a newlywed couple, so people who are just getting to know each other. And really, how do we behave when we get what we want?
To say that “one night stand” is something that belongs to the domain of favourite men’s sports, today seems like prejudice and completely wrong. Women also often go hunting for a guy who will be good enough for a one-time party and who will be served the sentence in the morning (or before that) instead of coffee: “See you, I’ll call you!“.
Even an interesting phrase reads – “one-night extravaganza”. If you happen to meet such a person, the most important thing is to avoid pathos. If you have already decided to enter the game, accept these rules. Or retreat. In essence, the most important thing is to avoid pathos. There is no room for disappointment. Especially not the easy ones to read on the face.
Why not accept it as an extravagant trip after which you will continue on your own? And yet, in both groups, there are still those who like a romantic continuation of the evening and the same kind of awakening. Therefore, the first minute after sex (without any exaggeration) is the perfect moment to show a man or woman what to expect from the person with whom they exchanged tenderness until a few seconds ago. Although all generalizations are in principle wrong, the characteristic types still stand out.
Rely on intuition, follow your partner’s body language, listen to him and you will quickly be sure of what you can expect from him. This certainly does not mean that immediately after orgasm you should turn into a perfect detector that monitors and scans every movement or look. The most important thing is to be relaxed and concentrated on your own pleasure. You cannot plan every moment in your life. Don’t believe that everything depends on you.
Sorry, nothing personal
1st minute after sex
In the first minute after enjoying each other, you will notice that her gaze wanders along the walls of the room. That of course does not mean that she is already looking for the door, but the fact that she is still not focused on you does not give much hope when it comes to the next meeting. Okay, he will continue to love you, caress you, but he will soon start looking at his watch more and more often.
You don’t believe what you see, but your partner is already trained and reluctantly “turns” the channels on your TV. A short preparation for “the goodbye”. The fact that she doesn’t stay on any program for more than a second clearly signals that anything about you is quite uninteresting to her. The ecstasy is over and it’s time to say goodbye. As you think about it, with a short sigh, she already tells you that she has to go.
- Hour after sex
It is irrelevant for you now, because you said goodbye to your partner 45 minutes ago, and the big question is whether you will ever meet again. There is no room for any objections since it is obviously a specific type of woman who leaves no room for emotions and who is only interested in short-term enjoyment. Whether your expectations are betrayed or not, the person you spent the evening with lacks a bit of style. Sex is not the same as shopping or some other action that just needs to be done and continued. Unfortunately, he looks like that more and more often.
I will delight you. I will make you crazy…
1st minute after sex
Passion still exists, but your beauty is slowly creeping out of bed. Are you confused? Wondering where she went. No, he won’t run anywhere, he’ll just jump to the kitchen. You notice that this special smile hides some intentions. You’re right. It’s hiding an unexpected scenario. And you didn’t expect that, did you?
15 minutes after sex
You have not blinked an eye and everything around you is shining. A tray, glasses, a bottle of precious wine… As if everything was prepared, we were just waiting for you to land in the chambers of this seductress who leaves nothing to chance. Be careful, because there is often superficiality behind a theatrical performance. More precisely, she may perform the ritual because of the ritual itself, that is, to leave the best possible impression at any cost. Most often, these are girls who also learned about romance and intimacy from popular magazines, movies or series. Their need to leave an impression is actually the most suggestive of narcissism and a pronounced ego.
- Hour after sex
Very uncertain. If you really come across a person who cultivates the most constant love for himself, the game will last as long as his need to conquer you and entice your admiration lasts. But, you will probably run out of topics to talk about in that first hour, especially if you have crossed the gossip column. If it is a girl who wants to complete the whole event for the sake of mutual enjoyment, then it is also possible that at this time the “second round” will be largely in progress.
I’d like us to stay a little longer
1st minute after sex
Definitely, the most beautiful 60 seconds that bring a mixture of touch and gentle words. You just need to indulge and enjoy. Your ratio is “silent” and that’s a good sign.
15 minutes after sex
In fact, nothing has changed.
- Hour after sex
Um, after what sex? Well, one just lasts. After you run to the fridge or to make cocktails or anything, it is important that you do what you really want to do and that you decide it spontaneously. A great start to a love story.