You must not believe in them at all! Start living the way you want to, and here are some tips on how to get rid of them forever! Wrong beliefs that many still believe in making them unhappy.
What affects beliefs?
Our beliefs, attitudes, and principles are greatly influenced by our environment, upbringing, the time in which we grew up, by the people with whom we spent the most time.
Many of these beliefs are good, useful, we learned from them, thanks to them, we became good and honest people. But there are also those beliefs that are wrong and that make our lives unhappy. Here are a few:
If you are without a partner, then you are lonely
This is by no means true! Just because you’re alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely or that you’re missing something. People can be lonely both in marriage and in a relationship, personal relationships are far from a guarantee of happiness.
A bad relationship is a signal to end it, not to maintain it artificially just so that someone would not be alone. You need to be most important to yourself.
And you need to be able to spend time with yourself, to be self-sufficient. Try to find yourself, to love yourself.
Restore your self-esteem. And the next time you meet someone worthy of your attention, it will be just one plus more in your life, and not the only reason for happiness.
Imitate others, they are better
Just because something looks good doesn’t mean it really is. The fact that some people are seemingly happy does not mean that they are really happy and satisfied.
Maybe you just skilfully hide or mask sadness and dissatisfaction. You do not know what is happening behind the closed doors of their souls, so judging people only by what you see is unnecessary and unrealistic.
Let others live as they want, you turn to your life.
Life has to go a certain way
Each of us has countless possibilities ahead of us. And it depends on us what we choose. No path is wrong, it is just different and leads us to a different outcome.
The fact that someone started with one, and you were with the other, does not mean that he is better than you, nor that you missed something in life. Get rid of unnecessary expectations and pressures from society.
Do what you think is best for you. Enjoy that journey, accept everything that goes with it- Both good and bad. Sometimes, to find one person you can live with for the rest of your life, you have to meet a bunch of different people.
To experience the greatest happiness, you also need to face sadness sometimes. It’s all life. Change what counts for you and what can change, change your mind about what you can’t influence, and keep moving forward.
The belief that you have to be like someone else?
Unfortunately, many still believe that they must emulate others, be like them to be accepted in society, recognized or popular.
And that is so wrong! When you stop comparing yourself to other people, whether real or imaginary and when you stop comparing yourself to other versions of yourself, only then can you start living peacefully.
We are all unique, unique, different. And we should nurture our differences, be proud of them, and not be ashamed of them and hide them. Be your own!
Being strong means not feeling pain
Strong people are neither untouchable nor insensitive. They just deal with the pain differently, which also hurts them or even more.
They have learned to accept pain, they try to learn something from it, and then they overcome it. The essence of strength is not to pretend not to touch you, but to, if you fall, get sick, get up, wipe the dust off yourself, and then return to the ring to fight like never before.