In recent times, more and more couples want a relationship without obligations or, as they are popular native Friends With Benefits! Here are five tips that you should follow if you prefer this type of partnership, i.e., friendship that includes intimate moments of “friends”.
Choose wisely
You may already have in mind which of the girls from your environment would be the ideal partner in this kind of relationship, but you must be aware of the fact that it is not a complete relationship without obligations, it is enough that there is already friendship.
For starters, be careful not to select a girl you know is in love with you. Even if he agrees to everything you agree on, he can still secretly hope that in the end, you will be in the right relationship.
Also, avoid friend’s houses and colleagues. You would not want to create an unpleasant atmosphere in such an environment. Open women about sexuality are the best option.
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Be aware of the deal
Some studies have found that such relationships are not uncommon but often do not last long. The results of the study showed that about 44% of the respondents ended up in a relationship with that person, and about 26 per cent do not even remain friends. The most substantial reason for breaking up is jealousy or one of the partners has found someone else.
Set rules
You both need to be honest about what you really expect. This is the only way to avoid drama. Set rules, but both agree and stick to them. Communication is paramount, even if it can be uncomfortable. Whatever they are, feelings cannot disappear, they can only intensify.
Be aligned
What would you do if someone didn’t need to find you? Whether you are lying or being honest, your answers must be consistent. Think about it and agree on the time.
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The most important thing is that you both enjoy what you do. Have an open relationship and talk openly about what you want. This is the key to how long you want your relationship to last.