5 foods for brain nutrition

Not sleeping well? Are you on the edge? Do you lose concentration? You are probably not even in bed what you expect and what you are sure you have proven to be perfect a million times, and now a problem has arisen. Don’t be afraid – your brain may be hungry. Try eating more of these foods with a few (really, really) easy recipes.

Red cabbage

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As well as cabbage, cauliflower and kale. All of these plants have sulforaphane, a compound that, according to Korean scientists, can cleanse the brain sludge (technical term). This sludge, called beta-amyloid and tau proteins, can cause symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Eat: Next time, replace the rice with chopped cabbage. Bonus: You will save about 150 calories in carbohydrates.

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New protein warning! One hundred grams of this fermented soy cake (it’s tastier than it sounds, we swear.) has 23 grams of protein, as well as bacteria that can improve your brain’s ability to cope with anxiety, says a Chinese study. Eat: Try adding tempeh cubes to a salad with ginger dressing, or mix them into a curry with vegetables.

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The main ingredient in hummus is full of tryptophan, an amino acid that could help you fall asleep faster, and it also triggers processes that could limit inflammation in the brain, a 2016 study revealed. Hmm, humus. Eat: Pair this with high-glycemic carbohydrates, which will aid you to absorb tryptophan.

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Fish has a protein called parvalbumin, which a 2018 study suggests could reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Cod also has omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which helps serotonin synthesis. (And it tastes great.) Eat: Cover the fillet with a little butter, some white wine and lemon juice, then bake at 200 degrees Celsius until soft, which is about 15-20 minutes.

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Fish gather all the fame as brain food, but 85 grams of shellfish has 1,400 per cent of your daily vitamin B12 needs. A 2016 study found that people with lower B12 levels show much weaker learning abilities than those with higher levels. Eat: Put half a cup of beer and 50 Venus shells in a large pot, on a hot plate. The shells are done when they open. It is easy too!

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