If you are still suffering from ex-love, here are three tips that can help you heal a broken heart. Regardless of who is “guilty”. These are quite powerful tips, say psychologists and psychotherapists.
On this occasion, we reveal to you what techniques can help if you continue to suffer for your former love!
Breakups and partings
Breaks and breakups in love relationships are painful moments in which one side is often hurt. When someone leaves when we love, we feel as if the world has stopped, and we do not know how to proceed – this unfavourable feeling is known to many.
In the end, we realize that hard work on personal development and time heals every wound and that we are only richer for another life lesson and experience.
How to heal painful wounds?
However, some techniques can help us get over it easier and get through that phase of suffering. Psychologists reveal to us how we can get rid of suffering for ex-love:
First phase
It is a phase of clarifying why someone is so important in their life. What does he give them?
Once the reasons are found (since there is never just one reason) people very typically come to that “Aha!” the moment when they can decide whether that person is really that significant to them still or is it that what has given them now is part of their past needs.
Second phase
Another technique would be the right decision, not a “decision.”
People often do not want to separate from their partner, but to have him under their own conditions and then do not deal with separation, but fantasizing as it could be, adapting him or us to us, hundreds of other more comforting and pleasant thoughts…
So the decision is not brought to us. Because when a decision is made, then it frequently takes only a few small steps to resolve it.
The third phase
The third technique would be to rationally view the partner as a person. I heard from an architect that to see the object in front of us properly, we need to move 15 feet away from it.
I mean this move – to separate from someone emotionally and mentally and see it well, from which a moment of rational perception can easily occur, and thus a disappointment.
But these are just three options of at least a hundred and the “trick” is to find what will really make a person work since we are all different and different things help and retaliate.
If suffering begins to endanger the quality of life, it is best to seek the advice of experts and psychologists, so that through certain techniques, some of which have already been listed, tips and tools to find motivation again and heal emotional wounds more easily.