We only fall in love 3 times in life!

Find out what cycle of love you are in at the moment. A soul mate will come at the right time!

When will my true love appear? We fall in love 3 times in our lives, and the right person comes when the best time comes for her…

According to the law of the Universe, everything in our life happens for a reason, and it is believed that every person truly falls in love 3 times in their life. However, every love happens in its own way and serves its specific purpose. Dating is one of them.

First love, dating

dating, first love, sex, exciting fling, flirt, fancy. young age, school

The first love appears in youth, sometimes even in high school. This love embodies the dreams of our youth and corresponds to our idealized idea of love – like in a fairy tale.

This love satisfies our need to meet the expectations of society. We recklessly immerse ourselves in it, thinking that this love will be the only one (even if we are not completely satisfied), and we convince ourselves that it should be so.

This love has more to do with the way others perceive us than with our feelings.

Second love, dating

dating, second love, sex, exciting fling, flirt, fancy. young age, school

The second infatuation or love is the hardest. It comes about so that we can primarily learn some lessons about ourselves and the needs of a love relationship.

This love brings with it disappointments, pain, loss, illusion, lies, manipulation… It is full of attraction and passion, but over time it becomes more and more toxic. We stay in these conditions because it is different from first love.

The problem with this love is that it is cyclical – we repeat the same mistakes over and over again, expecting a different result.

Unfortunately, each new cycle ends worse than the previous one. There is a drama in this love that does not allow us to get out of that circle of deception. There is dependence on the partner and there is no way we can break the cycle.

In this love, we have a strong desire for the relationship to work, we are afraid of being left alone without a partner again, and we are actually mistaken.

The only advantage of this relationship is that you develop and learn what is not love. Every challenge is a new lesson.

Third love, dating

dating, thoird love, sex, exciting fling, flirt, fancy. young age, school

The last love affair comes unexpectedly. It amazes us and destroys all our ideas of what love should be. This love comes to us so easily that we cannot understand how we have forgotten that love can be so natural and without complications.

This love literally knocks us off our feet, because we were not ready for a new relationship at all. In this relationship, everything seems to fit perfectly. Relationships are simple and without unnecessary expectations.

It turns out that perfection is quite achievable when no one is pressuring you, and we are happy to spend the rest of our lives in this relationship. This love is not at all what we imagined, and it does not correspond to any rules and idealizations that we invented ourselves.

It shatters all our expectations of true love and brings us something even more beautiful, simpler, better. We just feel like everything is going well.

This love has been knocking on our door for a long time – we just needed to respond. It teaches us to love and be loved.

You may not have experienced all three types of love yet, but that just means you’re not ready yet. Love cannot be hastened – it will appear on its own when its time comes!