Why can’t men and women be friends?

There are drastic differences in how men and women view friendship, between identical and different sexes. Quite simply, there are limits to the friendship between men and women. The simplest illustration of this fact is that at some point, your female friend will become interested in an intimate relationship with another man.

What then?

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At that point, the quality of the relationship between the two of you will decline. Your friendly relationship will most likely fail or weaken so that her intimate relationship with another man will mature. An example might be a man who has been married for many years. He, for example, has a very good female friend. His interest in her, especially if she is attractive, becomes a suspicion of infidelity.

The same thing applies in the opposite direction. If a woman who has been married for a long time has a very close and attractive friend, she may doubt her fidelity to her husband. However, it should be noted that most men enter into friendships with women that initially seem attractive to them. However, even the best Platonic male/female friendships will be subject to separation due to gender differences.


A simple example is that you would most likely be jealous of your girlfriend if she spends some quality time with her male friend. It is simply time spent with another man, who is not you or your girlfriend’s boyfriend. In most cases, you will question her desire to spend time with him instead of with you.

When your friend gets close to another guy, your attention will become an obstacle to any relationship she might wish to have with him, so she will start spending less and less time with you and you will do the same. When you connect with another girl.

Can there be male-female friendships?

All this, on the other hand, does not mean that you cannot have acquaintances and close friends, nor that you have to be rude or ignore all women, which is binary thinking. This means that the degree of friendship you can experience with women as a man, compared to same-sex friendships, will always be limited due to gender differences.

Namely, men and women experience friendships of the opposite sex in very different ways. While men were much more attracted to their friends, women were not attached to male friends in the same way. Simultaneously, men in most cases think that they are attractive to their friends, which is a completely wrong belief.

Where is the difference?

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Men were even ready to react to this misunderstood attraction. The stronger sex, in fact, believes that every mysterious attraction they experienced was mutual. In doing so, they were blind to the actual level of romantic interest felt by their friends. Men constantly overestimated the level of attraction that their friends felt.

Men, therefore, have a problem being only friends with a woman. And that can lead to problems. Although women seem to be sincere in their belief that friendships between the opposite sexes are only platonic, it seems that men cannot rule out the desire for something higher.

You should know that it is not good to remain a guy with too many female friends. Most women are wary of guys who have a large number of female friends, so they question his ability to connect the friendly with other men. But, the very ability to be a man!

Plus, it should be borne in mind that a female friend will never be like a male because he will not have the same interests and similar reactions. Avoid talking to your female friends about personal feelings, because that way she could lose respect for you. So – mind your head!