What years are critical for the onset of anxiety?

Some people say: I have always been in a great tremor since primary school. I remember that my heart was beating fast and that my palms were sweating every time my teacher called me. In a moment, I would forget my name.

Such feelings often accompany a person later in life. Those people worry about what others think of them, they can’t relax, they are constantly in spasms. Such thinking just doesn’t make sense… It’s stronger than them.

However, none of that is a big problem unless it turns into something completely different. The problem starts when the first panic attack occurs.

The focus, then, becomes awful, and forgetfulness becomes every day. This can affect all fields of everyday life, including work, and thus cause big problems.

I worry about everything non-stop

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Going to the doctor, mostly, results in a diagnosis of a generalised anxiety disorder (GAP), and then hell breaks loose.

I want every patient to get rid of these diseases as soon as possible and to live like all other people.

Pay attention to the following!

Anxiety becomes a problem when you call it a problem. The feeling is awful, you can’t imagine it, and I don’t want to trivialise it in any way, but it is important to know that with your thoughts you can influence the problem to become bigger.

And the bigger you get, the more disaster you get. The catastrophe is otherwise typical for people who have a problem with anxiety.

See this through a banal example:

When the outside temperature is high, everyone is hot, especially people who are focused on being hot and can’t stand it. When we focus our thoughts on something – it becomes stronger.

Imagine now as you read how much heat you have. Focus on that thought, and you will notice that you are twice as warm as before you focused on being hot.

Then imagine people working on scaffolding or a construction site at the same temperature. They are also hot, but that is not their focus.

Remember the placebo effect

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The brain believes in what you convince it of. When you take a magnifying glass and look at a crumb of bread, it suddenly becomes bigger because it is under a magnifying glass. When you remove the magnifying glass, the crumb of bread is small again.

Your symptoms also become stronger and bigger when they are under your mental magnifying glass, that is when they are in focus.

Anxiety becomes a problem and turns into what is called generalized anxiety disorder when you start living your life around the problem when a problem called Anxiety becomes a central theme in your life.

Knowing about anxiety does not automatically lead to a solution to the problem. Nothing is applied, but he continues to listen to the symptoms and avoid potentially unpleasant situations, he continues to read and seeks a magic formula for overcoming.

There is no magic formula. There is only acceptance, exposition and searching for what is under that anxiety. Also, there is always something below, and that is where you really need to work. Sometimes it’s just a call for change.

You got the diagnosis and what now?

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I especially want to point out that if you are diagnosed with GAP or any other disorder that has to do with anxiety, specific phobias and panic attacks – you are not disturbed, you are not crazy, and you are not sick!

I would rather say that today it is a completely normal state that everyone goes through at some point in their lives.

Suffice it to say that studies have shown that children today are more anxious than children who were treated as psychiatric patients in the 1950s. And the trend is not going downhill. On the contrary.

So the ladder is moving. We are not in a good place collectively. The planet suffers, nature suffers, the collective consciousness is far from what would be called desirable, so it is not realistic to expect that we are better on the individual plane.

However, all the changes start there

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The big problem is that after getting a diagnosis, people start to stigmatise themselves and create for themselves the identity of a person who has the disorder.

They start to act accordingly. They think accordingly, and it affects their self-confidence and self-esteem.

They withdraw, and their problem becomes even stronger. They think that everyone else is “normal” and that only they have a problem. Be aware of only one fact: There are no healthy ones, there are only unseen ones.

Periods of life when it is completely normal to feel anxiety

Some developmental anxieties are a completely normal, integral part of life. Do you think it is natural for a person who has not found a job for years or works for a minimum not to feel occasionally anxious?

Do you think it is natural for a person who has a marital crisis not to feel anxious? These are just some of the possible scenarios in which it is quite natural to feel anxious.

EVERYONE in their life goes through beautiful and less beautiful periods of life.

No one is spared because that is the way everything works. The world is created from duality: day-night, good-evil, summer-winter… It is IMPOSSIBLE to always be good, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to always be bad.

They are all just periods, and how you react to them makes a major difference. Some people are motivated by such periods, while others bury themselves and start to feel sorry for themselves. What a great image this man has of himself plays a big role.

Situations and circumstances that can lead to problems that have nothing to do with age are childhood trauma, alcoholism in the family, too protective parents or another extreme – neglect, the presence of domestic violence and constant expectation of bad things.

Here it is necessary to work deeply on clearing the trauma and automatic negative thoughts that are there as a product of such growing up.

Now let’s move on to anxiety, which doesn’t have to have traumatic roots, but is there as an integral part of growing up.

These are the periods when it is quite normal to feel a certain level of anxiety:

  • adolescence: when you go through identity crises when you still don’t know who you are, what you want in life, which way to go when you compare yourself with your peers when you don’t find a society that suits you.

The period of big decisions – you finish high school, and important questions arise against – Whether to enrol in college, whether it is promising or not, stress around admission, what if I don’t enrol, what if I don’t fit… Many move in that period and with work, some in parallel with studies – new circumstances, new people, a lot of stresses…

  • a period of milestones around 25 years: some enter the marital waters, some finishing school, some both, some go abroad. The main issue for this period is mainly “What now and what if this is not the right way”, the first meetings with problems of adults and insufficient knowledge and experience on whether the right decisions are made.
  • New life roles: parenting or inability to fulfil that role: both carry their stressful periods and great challenges, questions, worries, sleepless nights.
  • Adult worries: bills, work, children, problems in partnerships, major life changes, such as relocation, change of job, dismissal, entering private business…
  • Women after childbirth: very common due to hormonal changes and getting used to a new role, especially if the single mother or husband is constantly working and has no other help.
  • Women before entering menopause: some women then have a panic attack for the first time in their lives, and the main culprits are hormones.
  • Women in PMS: Also hormonal changes as the main cause.

You notice that women are more prone to anxiety, especially because of the hormonal changes they go through during one month and a lifetime.

If you are a man, and you are reading this, try to have more understanding and not to add fuel to the fire on those days, the only correct words then are “It’s okay, you’re right”.

Also check: Salvation

If you are a woman, accept that it is just like that

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You will have periods when you react more strongly and periods when you react less, it will be helpful to analyze and understand when it is.

Women who have a problem with anxiety then generally have even stronger symptoms of anxiety. It is not uncommon for women who once had the anxiety to return to symptoms in those days.

It is also possible that they are more sensitive to heat and that it also creates anxiety for them.

This, of course, does not mean that men are protected, but women are at twice the risk. The thing is not always alarming and not every anxiety, every rapid heartbeat – anxiety. Instead of “Oh NO, HERE IT GOES” change to “Today I feel upset, but we all feel that way from time to time, it will be better tomorrow.”

You will also notice that EVERY PERIOD HAS ITS CHALLENGES.

Also check: What the challenge are?

You mustn’t lose sight of the fact that these are all just PERIODS, and that you do not get stuck in them that you are not paralysed. In the end, the decision is up to you – Do you choose to be a victim of anxiety or do you choose to see it as an opportunity for growth?


That’s not the way, the more you run, the more she chases you.

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