What millennials demand from the automotive industry

Hyperconnectable, design-dependent…

Millennials are the generations born from the beginning of the ’80s to the middle of the ’90s of the last century. So, people between the ages of 25 and 37 – at the present time.

These are people who used to call their friends from landlines installed in their homes. Today, communication takes place almost exclusively through mobile devices and the latest generations.

Their introduction to music began through cassettes and cassette players, at best through a CD player, and today this type of entertainment is practised practically only through playlists placed in the “cloud”. These people are millennials – people capable of adapting very quickly to modern technologies, and today they represent 12 per cent of the “body” of new cars in Europe.

Design first and foremost

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For 40 per cent of buyers of new vehicles, aged between 25 and 37, the main trigger for choosing a certain car model is its appearance. So, the visual impression is crucial. This was addressed by Spanish SEAT experts and the results were recently announced to the public.

Now, finally, we have data that can clarify the craze for certain vehicles or the complete fiasco of others. But that’s not all. Let’s move on… A third of customers under the age of 30 choose a new car so that it expresses the personal style and “inner self” (not to say alter-ego) of its owner.

After the design, the most important items to pay attention to are the ability to connect the car to the global network – the Internet – then the audio system and finally the infotainment system.

So, every third of young men or women does not even care about the technical characteristics of the car – a “detail” that was crucial to their parents when choosing a vehicle.

True, in their day there was absolutely nothing that their children preferred. Not even a two-speaker radio cassette player was on the list of standard equipment, often optional.

At that time, “music” was installed later, and the factories that dealt with “consumer” electronics were in charge of the production of the device – Sony, Pioneer, Kenwood, Alpine and others.

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Size matters

What do millennials look for in a car

Yes, but in the direction of minimization. There are countless different possibilities and options on the market, but half of the customers from the observed group will opt for the B or most C segment models.

The SUV segment is also very popular in this group, so 20 per cent of its members will decide to buy off-road vehicles. We mention the looks because the technical characteristics mean little to them. An interesting detail is a fact that the older they get, the more millennials opt for SUV models.

In any case, only every fifth millennial can afford a new car that will be financed from personal savings, and that number grows to a maximum of 40% with the increase in the number of years of each individual.

One-click to the latest information

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As they are essentially the digital generation, millennials use the Internet a lot when choosing a new vehicle. Based on the conducted research, about nine weeks pass from the moment of the initial idea of purchasing a new car to the very act of purchase!

Millennials are in no hurry and are patiently waiting for the desired information. As they are, in addition to everything, inexperienced in the process of buying a car, they need more time to make a final decision.

Their main sources of information are the manufacturer’s website (in 50 per cent of cases) and specialized sites that deal with tests and general writing about cars (24%). One of the details that separate them from their predecessors (parents, for example) is that the recommendations of family or friends play an important role in the decision-making process.

Before the final election, 23 per cent of potential buyers from the group of millennials seek the opinion of their loved ones, while as we approach the age limit of 40, that number is reduced to 13 per cent.

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Sharing is life

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Compared to some past times, the way people use cars has changed significantly. Based on internal research, millennials are the first generation of car users to consider new forms of mobility.

For example, 26% of drivers between the ages of 25 and 37 share their vehicles with other users. In essence, vehicle sharing is a trend that can be expected to become more prevalent in the future: by the year 2025, 36 million users worldwide share cars with other drivers.

Where does it lead?

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In short, it would be an overview of what millennials expect from cars, what their priorities are in their choice…

Based on what has been said, it can be concluded that car performance means practically nothing to them, just like what kind of engine is installed, which is transmission, which and what systems represent the standard…

None of that. So, just the look, the ability to connect to the Internet and infotainment system. Which car has the best characteristics according to these criteria, can expect good sales. Others need to ask themselves what they are offering to customers.

Or more correctly, should everyone else who is not a millennial put a finger on their forehead and ask themselves where the car industry is going? Where have the basic values of cars been lost? Why has the vehicle become nothing but a smart device on the go?

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Why does the offspring no longer appreciate the driving characteristics of the car? Where did the zeal for movement and driving get lost? And many other questions that would need a lot of space to list…

After all, the questions of all questions are who is actually the main culprit for such an observation of the world of today’s young men and women?

The answer to that, the most difficult question, can be very painful for anyone who answers it sincerely and from the depths of his soul, according to his conscience. And what will be degraded next and moved to a completely different “folder”?

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