What if she’s bad in bed?

The relationship is unperfect either. Sex can be the only good side of a relationship, but it is also the only problem in it. In the latter case, several factors can affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

For example, if you have only been together recently, the first time there will be nervousness, the second time one of the partners will get used to the other’s apartment, but the third time should be good. If the third is not luck – you are in trouble. Of course, you should be unguided by the fact that it should be written off after the third attempt.

We present you with ways to improve your sex life because sex can at least improve when a person can’t. And you have a wonderful person next to you. Why lose it when you can already work on sex (and working on sex can’t be bad)?

Identify the problem

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You understand what it is that she does (or doesn’t do) and what makes sex bad. Think about what your previous partners did, everything you really liked. Do you like when a girl is loud when she asks you to touch her loud when she announces that she is close to orgasm?

These are all accessories that you can easily fit into your relationship with your current partner.

In addition, guide her hands over your body and show how much you enjoy it. If she notices what you like, she will start from that place next time.


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If you have decided to talk about sex, do not just mention what is already happening – emphasize what you expect in bed.

Ask her if she is satisfied, and then mention your own wishes. If you make yourself vulnerable, she will feel open to you and listen to what you are missing during sex. Also, she won’t think you’re criticizing her.

How important is sex?

Is sexual intercourse a small gift that accompanies a great big one? Or do you consider sex a vital part of a relationship? Most belong to this second group.

Namely, sex indicates the passion that reigns between partners and represents the physical embodiment of the feelings you cultivate towards each other. If there is no chemistry between you, it will not occur “by force”. Try to achieve sexual and emotional harmony in your relationship. However, if at least one of you remains dissatisfied in bed even after these steps are taken, a breakup is the best solution for both of you. Of course, if other emotions do not prevail and they put sex in a total mess, making it completely unimportant. If such a thing is possible at all? If you decide to stay in such a relationship because of all the other quality people, you have to come to terms with the fact that you will have to look for sex on the other side. And whether it will hurt your loved one or support you in it, depends on the case.