What happens if you raise standards?

Men who give too little and women who agree to it and vice versa, are not a good combination. What if those men or women who give barely are eliminated? What’s left from this, of course, has its consequences.

The consequences of such a move are – free time. Lots of it. So you need to eliminate all your exes, in any variant, ex-ego boosters who are there just to tell you how beautiful you are, ex-entertainers, ex-returnees who keep coming back and leaving again, ex-people who failed, ex-people are in parallel with someone else… So, you will possess a lot of free time left. How to spend that sudden “excess” of free time?

What are the ways to spend that time?

The first is to sit at home and roll your fingers, thinking how bored you are, this or that one doesn’t call me anymore, there is no one to tell me that I am beautiful or sexy, there is no more sex… If you are going to spend your time like this, this is not a game for you. Go back to the people who give you a little, and that will be completely fine for you.

The second way seems to be far more important and useful to you. If you are going to spend your time on personal growth, on progressing at work, reading more books, going to the theatre, hanging out with friends, educating yourself, playing sports and physically improving your body, growing mentally, then it is extremely good that you have a lot of time left.

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Do you recognize what the following “consequence” of that is? You will be recognized by people who do the identical things as you, who invest in themselves and grow in all possible ways. So, emotionally, spiritually, business-wise, financially… the people who put the most effort around themselves recognize the people who do the same. The like rejoices the like. People who put in the most effort do not connect with mediocre people and those who do not work around themselves. Because of all that, parting with high-quality people is a very good thing and causes a beneficial effect on you. These people will take you to their friends and relatives tomorrow, and will proudly present you as their partner.

A look at a better tomorrow

How to look at life, connections and love relationships? Think of it all as one massive company. Most of the employees are workers, lower-ranked, that is, workers, strikers and executors. They are followed by supervisors, managers, top managers and finally directors and the owners of the company.

Where do you see yourself in that hierarchy? And to follow each other at the distinct beginning: with this story, we do not want to belittle anyone, but to develop a metaphor to explain why it is easier to reach some people and harder to reach some.

So, if you see yourself in the working class, you will get to them very easily. Why? Because there are most of them around. However, if you have worked on yourself at all, you likely see yourself in one of the higher positions, say managerial. These people, just like you, worked on themselves. Keep in mind that there are fewer of them and that they are firmer to reach, which does not mean that they do not exist. If you worked on yourself, you will pair with just such. Sooner or later, don’t be impatient.

Do you know what the advantage of that is? Well, the advantage is that such people can mean the most to your life. More precisely, such people will have the highest-quality impact on your life. Such people can make some key decisions related to your life and work. Therefore, it is easy to get to the base class, but such people cannot contribute to the quality of your life, nor can they change anything in them.

It is difficult to reach the director or even the owner because they are the only ones concerning all the others. As many as there are. And the difference is measured in shields if not thousands of times. And when you get to it, it can absolutely do the most and contribute to the quality of your life. The director, that is, the owner, could be your love for the rest of your life, someone who loves you with the same intensity as you cherish him, someone who will affect your life.

What do you get?

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Therefore, what have you departed from if you eliminate all those who give you little? You will have a lot left, and to become aware of that, it is necessary for some time to pass. Therefore, do not waste time on worthless people in your environment. Look for only the best ones. Shoot high, you will reach high. Sooner or later. But you must not be deterred.

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