What do women desire?

The fact that you need to be absolutely aware of is that all people are different. Therefore, nothing we state can apply to every being on the planet. However, it should be taken into account that everything we state comes from scientific circles, scientific research, psychologists, psychology, psychoanalysts and other experts… So everything we will declare here can possess some weight and be considered a fundamental postulate and some common to the wishes of most members of the fairer sex. So, men, study this reading well.

Even if you do not believe in all that we will tell you, if you manage to break yourself and try to seek some of the advice, you may even be convinced by the facts that you have considered inviolable so far.

What kind of men do women chase?

The first question is what kind of man would women like to be with? In research and surveys, the largest number of women, more than half, stated that their ideal man is the one who strives to achieve their desires and goals. Far behind that, barely a quarter of the respondents stated that they want a man who spends most of his time to make his partner happy. Third place and about 18 per cent of them stated that their ideal man is focused on his job, self-confident and independent.

If you analyze the questions a little better, you will notice that the questions that won the first two places are almost identical! This, in turn, leads us to an extremely interesting conclusion. And that is that people can desire something, or they won’t, depending on how the fact is presented to them. Although it’s about one and the identical thing! The answer, which won a quarter of the votes, seems rather harsh because it mentions the word independent. That word leads to the subconscious conclusion that such a man will never accept anyone into his life.

What is the alternative?

In essence, the same question, posed in a marginally different way, where instead of the word independent, “a man who works hard” was emphasized, led to drastically different results. A man who strives is extremely fascinating to women. Therefore, the conclusion is that women would not be with a rude man, in whose life they are not welcome, and who is only doing his job.

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On the other hand, they would like to be with a man who works hard, who his job and his goals because that means that he will work around a woman as well. What does that tell us? Women want men they can admire, respect, but also follow. Surprise? Many people think that women merely want money, to be in charge, to ask about everything and to command. It turns out that’s not quite true. Women, therefore, want self-conscious men, self-confident, who know what they want and what they are doing. Women will be very happy to follow such a man.

What kind of man deserves respect?

As long as they have something to look at, as long as the man is respectful, as long as he grabs towards his goals, the woman will agree to follow him and be supportive. It turns out that women want less self-sufficient men! But not in a negative sense, selfish, egocentric, but men who are more focused on their ambitions and goals, than on making a fairy tale and romance around their sweetheart. Women, therefore, want leaders!

Only a small percentage of women want to be dominant, to be a leader. If a woman subconsciously wants a leader, and a man does not, and he has decided to do the one from the issue that attracted the least number of votes, the woman will hate it. She will hate that the man is not ready to take responsibility and that he let her decide everything, even though he only listened to what she claimed he desired, that she decides. But she will hate that role, even if we can’t state it out loud.

What’s in their minds?

Women are not allowed to say things like this because they are pressured by propaganda, anti-feminism, but that is really the case. Women like to follow, despite what they say. In relationships where a man only agrees with a woman, everyone is miserable. There are studies in which people agree more with naive people, and that people who agree are usually dependent on someone.

And women aren’t crazy about someone depending on them. They would rather depend on someone and follow him. Compare all this with the reality of life, and everything will be completely clear to you. So, women want a man who wants only the best and therefore provides the best for themselves. Observe her behaviour more than words. So, pay more attention to her actions than to her words. If you constantly give her what she wants and she becomes a bigger bitch towards you, it just means that you are doing what she subconsciously does not want. But she is investigating you, she took some things from the home, company and other things.

And, at the end…

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The conclusion is brilliantly simple. Men should make certain that they have as much work as possible, that they grab for something to achieve their goals, which they have as many achievements and accomplishments as possible, and women will inevitably come. Men, don’t worry so much about whether women are coming, whether you have enough of them, whether you are doing anything well or not, whether you have made her happy or not. You’d relatively do things like this because women would rather cling to men in whom they feel that spark, that passion, ambition, and in whom they notice security and see that tomorrow he will take care of them, the children and the family.

They are more attractive to them than to those who play around like dogs. So focus on yourself and your ambitions. Women will come of their own accord. Therefore don’t deal with women, but with yourself. Then, and only then, you will possess as many as you want. Try it. It’s free of charge!

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