What do women consider for in a man?

The eternal question that plagues almost all men is – what, in fact, do they want? Why they are never satisfied, why they complain, how to understand them and the like. We will try to explain to you, in the shortest possible way, how a woman’s brain works and what women really look for in a man.


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Women are driven by a constant desire to seek out and find superior male partners. Just as men are biologically programmed to sleep with as many women as possible, on the other hand, women are driven by an evolutionary need to provide themselves with security in the future by providing the most competent man available to them.

Most women are not aware of this need, which is called hypergamy and which is the subtle driver of all their actions. Hypergamy is a natural female trait that causes a woman to seek a man of higher status. This is a characteristic that makes a woman find a partner, if not higher, then at least identical status and ability that she possesses. More precisely, it is the desire for the best man that she can attract and keep for herself.

Even if the marriage occurs, it is not a guarantee that a woman will not leave her faithful husband if she comes across someone better, richer and with better social contacts. Women naturally prefer men to the highest possible status they can get at a given time. Periodically it happens that they want to go so high and far, that they do not want to choose any man. Status has various meanings in this definition. Money, prestige, social status and the like. Each of them individually can be crucial when choosing a quality male.

However, a person can have all of the above, and still, be of low status. In the first place due to self-doubt and lack of self-confidence. Men with the highest possible status would be rich, good-looking, in good shape, well-trained, with strong social ties, a prestigious job – preferably one with a high business risk (and for life itself) – and at the same time, it would be good to be dominant, an extrovert, a leader of his group of friends, capable of commanding and managing any social situation.

Yet women are programmed to be more excited about a man’s behaviour than his material things. Therefore, it is better to be a little poorer but accepted in society than to be wrapped up and rich. Some compromise is, however, the best.

Significance of genetics

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Sometimes female hypergamy is not manifested by the need to leave her current partner, but by the need to find a partner who has superior genetics. In addition to the need for personal safety and the safety of the offspring, the female instinct forces her to give birth to healthy children. You may be astonished by one fact, and that is that appearance is not so important to women. They are attracted to a man’s personality and not to his physical qualities. And that is no accident. We can freely say that this is one of the misconceptions that men believe in. Try courting the same woman before and after the “treatment” at the gym and compare the results.

Still, don’t worry about a few extra pounds: money, self-confidence and wit will blow away all your flaws, and women will just go crazy for you. However, one should be aware that some examples in history show that overweight men were women’s ideals. Muscular and athletic builds have always been the male standard.

Sincere wish

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Whether you are married or in a love affair, you strive for the same goals and desires. It is much nicer and more comfortable to be with a woman who wants to please you and is not forced to do so than with someone who has no other choice. Or do you think? Want someone to break the rules for you? How can men determine the real desire of the women they associate with? Whenever you suggest drinking, going out, or any other interaction with a woman, the answers you want to hear are enthusiasm in pronouncing the word YES. Whatever the proposal, you want her to agree to it. The enthusiasm that is not obtained “by force” is a very good sign that can help you determine her real desire.

An example of a woman’s sincere desire for a man is when he tells her that an item of clothing would fit perfectly on her sculpted body, and she buys or leases it to show off in the best edition for her man. Don’t waste time on a woman who has no absolute interest in you. A sincere desire is something that a person must come to on his own, or be guided by his personal will.

If you are still trying to figure out what are the magic words you are trying to use to get the person you want to go out and meet, you are negotiating with the desire and not the person and you are wasting better time.

Best years for men and women

Fertility, attractiveness and sexual availability, the total potential for male arousal and attention, peak between 22 and 24 years of age. On average, these are the best years for women. Unfortunately, in no other phase of life will she enjoy as much male attention and support as she will have at this age. When that period is over, every effort you put in will be an attempt to regain experiences from that phase.

At the age of 27, female sexual values are seriously on a downward trajectory. This, however, does not mean that women cannot remain astonishingly attractive even in the years after the best period. Still, the competition is getting stronger as the years go by.

The age between 27 and 30 is the most stressful for women because they realize that they can no longer compete with younger girls and that they have to sacrifice years of fun and try to find a man when they can attract.

As for male development, their value is identical during the 20s, with a gradual increase until the age of 30. This represents a slower development of values in men, who become more significant in terms of physical ability, social status, maturity, wealth, influence and power. It is, obviously, a slow process. During the age of 23, when girls greatly enjoy their most considerable sexual value, a man only starts with a gradual ascent. At the age of 36, the average man has reached a personal peak. At that stage, his attractiveness was fully mature, in all respects.

Assuming that he has made the most of his personal potential, at this stage a woman will consider him the most attractive and acceptable for her long-term investment. The man is, then, young enough to be in excellent condition, but old enough to reach social and professional maturity.


Men can maintain the interest of a certain woman by withdrawing what they want most. And that is attention. As women crave male attention, it can serve as the best gift for a man, but also the best weapon for conquest. While this may sound illogical, maintaining a certain distance and playing warm-cold can contribute to maintaining connection quality at a high level.

Let’s be friends

A woman will often reject a man by demanding that they be just friends, rather than starting or continuing a relationship with him. Although it sounds like a reasonable offer, in that way, she wants to keep the man’s attention, not to offer him anything in return. A real man never accepts such an offer, and he knows that he will spend his time better looking for other candidates.

The myth of a soul mate

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An obsession with just one person is not healthy. It is usually accompanied by an unrealistic idealization of a particular person. It is a kind of paralysis. A man stops maturing. He stops moving, he stops being what he really is. A special girl or soulmate is a myth and nothing else. There are only the better and the less good ones, but the perfect one absolutely does not exist. Going out with 10 other girls is usually a great cure for a disease called similarity. Only then can one realize how similar people are.

Thinking that a person is special, simply paralyzes a person and prevents him from leaving a relationship with someone who is his “soul mate”, so he begins to think about how he will then live without it. Or, the second opinion is that she is the real one and the only one, and all that needs to be done is for the man to change or change, maybe to try to adjust that “soul mate”, so the connection is ideally at hand. But it is not so.

Because of all this, the man consciously rejects other opportunities that arise. These opportunities can be much better, both for a relationship and for marriage, but they can also be things such as a job offer, vacation, a challenge with friends and the like. This is where we come to a complete lack of self-care and focusing on one person who has not the slightest intention of returning the love offered to him. Thus, “soul mates” are a myth created in people’s minds and prevents them from progressing.

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