What after the breakup?

Although it seems to you that everything is black after you put an end to the love affair, nothing is over, but believe us that beautiful things are yet to come.

Block, delete the number, stop tracking…

Intelligibly, every so often it’s firm to press that Unfriend button or start cleaning your Instagram, deleting all the shared pictures. It’s even harder if you think that someone might notice that. And have you ever wondered if this is really necessary?

For starters, relax, people are not so much interested in your love life as they are in whether person X will leave person Y because of someone Z. Even if by some miracle someone really follows your love life, it shouldn’t matter to you what People will think of your mental health. Virtual cleaning has become a key part of recovery after a breakup, and even celebrities do it regularly.

Plan something to look forward to

Do you know that old saying about how time heals everything? What this says indeed tells us is that new experiences fill the space in our head, until the moment when you no longer even think about breaking up because too many things have happened in the meantime. Therefore, don’t sit at home and wait for time to exchange, but start filling out the schedule towards blissful oblivion!

Start moving

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We allow you to spend a week (Maximum two, but do you really want to spend that much time on a loser?) Wrapped in a blanket and eat tons of ice cream, but it is not wise to wait that long before you go for a walk. Numerous studies have shown that physical activity is the best cure for depression and a broken heart, so get moving! Physical activity produces endorphins and serotonin, which are key to a good mood. If you are not ready to join a nearby gym right away, take a walk first. You will see that it helps.

Find new friends to fill the position of the ex-partner…

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… in your heart, but also your schedule! However, be careful with potential suitors or targets. It is completely normal for your body to lack sex and cuddling, but be careful because research shows that when we are vulnerable, after a breakup, our criteria change so we can experience something mediocre as phenomenal.

Allow yourself to grieve

At first, it will seem like a great idea to decline all invitations to go out and sit at home instead, but take care that this does not become a routine for you. If you are entering the third week that your best friends are a bottle of wine, a box of ice cream and a TV, it’s time to start…

Love your solo status before entering into a new relationship

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Give yourself time to start feeling like a complete person again, not like “half the money.” If you go to meetings because you think it is necessary to get married before the age of 30 or you do not like to be alone, those are not arguments for a new relationship. It is wiser to wait a little longer. The same is true for the elderly, and even much older. Don’t hesitate to visit a Local Dating Site and look for the person of your life. Maybe he’s somewhere in the virtual world, and he’s waiting for you. Whether you are male or female!

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