Uranium in direct motion, horoscope 2022.

Uranus in direct motion frees us from the need for everything to be stable and peaceful and forces us to accept the inevitable changes. Here are the opportunities it brings us.

Uranus has been going retrograde for the past five months when our finances were especially endangered, as well as our love and sense of security. We are leaving all that behind now, when Uranus is moving directly, from January 18.

Uranium in direct motion, 2022.

horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Uranus will be in Taurus in its direct course, which brings us a greater connection with finances, but also emotional security. Now is the time for a change, and here is how this position of Uranus will affect every sign of the Zodiac.


aries, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Expect a storm at the financial level, but you already predicted that yourself, didn’t you? However, this does not necessarily mean that things will go wrong. Maybe he’ll get a raise. But this is the right time when you should start spending wiser. Think about it.


taurus, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Is it time to change your physical appearance? Until now, you somehow wanted to change how others see you, and now is the right time to do so. Embrace even radical changes, because you will not repent.


gemini, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Spiritual growth and changes on a mental level await you. Do not resist, be broader and open your mind. You will enjoy the way you start thinking.


cancer, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Changes for Cancers are coming in the social sphere of life. You will find out who is actually on your side. Ignore false friendships and focus exclusively on the real and honest people in your life.


leo, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Your career is what Uranus will β€œhit”. Expect changes in the business plan. Whether you like it or not, they are here. Be confident and believe in your abilities.


virgo, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Living in harmony with your true being means a lifestyle change. But are you ready for that Device? Try to see the bigger picture. Not every change is good, just as not every habit is good.


libra, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Changes await you on the love plane. Don’t wait for someone to take action. Choose to forgive. And when you learn that, move on, more positively.


scorpio, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

When Uranus is in your house of love, changes await you on this very plain. If you are alone, lower the criteria and look around. If you are in a relationship, spice up the relationship with some changes – new hobbies or innovations in the bedroom.


sagittarius, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

You have been focused on health in the past. And now, when Uranus is moving directly, a real shock awaits you. Still, don’t panic. Just keep going. These stars punish you for neglecting yourself. But it will also do you a great favour.


capricorn, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Use the energy of Uranus and start doing some hobbies. A rush of inspiration awaits you, and use this creative time to really shine and be as successful as possible.


During this transit of Uranus, Aquarius expects changes in family life. Whether they are desirable or not, the key is to let them happen. What you don’t like at first may be of great benefit to you in the coming months.


pisces, horoscope, 2022, astrology, signs, sex, dating, meeting

Thinking of changing your routine? This is the moment when you will shine. In the previous period, you were overwhelmed with obligations. And now is the time to relax a bit and embrace the changes that Uranus brings you.

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