The most significant thing to comprehend is that not a solitary state is eternal. Everything is, so to speak, temporary. Both good and bad times, moments and periods in life are temporary.
When you are fit, enjoy, breathe with full lungs – be grateful for it. On the other hand, when you feel sick, keep in mind that it will pass swiftly. Know that it is not the end. Life is full of ups and downs, ups and downs.
Don’t get attached to someone’s potential
Many people fall in love and bond with someone’s potential and wish they could transform someone. If they were more ambitious, they would be more successful. By believing this way, you develop a relationship with something that does not exist. You will have high expectations, which the other person never agreed to. Ultimately, you will resent that person, even though you are to blame for creating tension and resentment.
Avoid toxic people
People often cling to toxic “friends” who treat them badly. For prestige, the ego will do whatever it takes to keep those friends. Yet, there are countless examples where a bad and toxic relationship absolutely destroys every opportunity and friendship in your life.
One single bad business relationship or move can ruin an entire company! One undesirable addict provokes a whole month of anxiety and worry.
Nobody listens to you
At a younger age, people like to dominate conversations and tell people what they believe about certain things. Until one day you realize the cruel fact that no one listens to them and that no one cares what they say and have to say. As many as 99% of the people, you share advice with don’t listen to you, they don’t care what you say or think. They have already made their own decision and are just waiting for their turn to talk, and they won’t even remember it later. Or they won’t even do anything about it.
Do you have no friends?
Unlike friends on social media, real friends are hard to find in real life. Most friendships are based on selfishness and practicality, and on what can be gained as mutual benefit. From this, it is not challenging to conclude that most of the so-called “friends” are nothing but ordinary acquaintances.
If you want a friend – be a friend. Communicate to others just the way you would like them to talk to you. Treat others the same way you would want them to treat you.
Everyone lying to you?
Younger people tend to believe almost everything that others tell them. But as the years go by, you begin to realize that almost everyone is lying to you. On any issue. But why? The answers are trivial but true. People want to avoid inconveniences. They want to impress their interlocutor, get what they want at any cost or get out of problematic situations.
Believe in people that they will be – people, working in their best interest and most importantly, they will do what they have always done. If, on the other hand, you want to know what someone really thinks, pay more attention to what they are doing than to what they are saying. People can lie with words, but never with actions.
Promotion of bad role models
Glamour, the media and society are actively promoting bad role models. In the mid-2000s, these were some celebrities – the forerunners of today’s starlets, now they are the people who have the biggest ego and the most ambivalent attitude! Young people begin to speak and act like the role models that they have seen and followed on television and social networks. And only because they think that such an attitude and behaviour are fine. Nobody had to show them how bad it all really is. To name just a few examples of bad influence and the promotion of bad values: audacity, cheating, lying, materialism, narcissism and the like.
The nice guys are disqualified
Women and girls are attracted to guys who tease them, challenge them and make them smile. They are most confident, interesting and fun, but also unpredictable. On the other hand, guys who give them compliments and court them in a completely different way – are out of the game. Reasonably altogether, this day such things and genuine values do not pass.
Nice guys possess too many qualities that women reject! They see it as boredom, predictability, passivity, insecurity, they think that such guys are too accessible and the like.
People are selfish
Nobody is interested in you. All other people care about is what you can do for them. However, that does not mean that they are against you. Most of them are neutral, so they are neither for nor against you. They look only at personal interest.
The next time you want to influence someone, don’t waste time talking about what you desire. Instead, talk about how he — your interlocutor — will personally benefit from all this.
You are your own worst enemy
If you look most honestly at the situation who is the biggest culprit for almost all the problems in your life, you will soon find out that it is you! Because you are the sharpest critic and the biggest enemy of yourself. You do the most to sabotage personal success than anyone else will ever do.
You say and do things that you are almost absolutely sure you will regret one day. And don’t do things you know would be good for you. You spend time and energy on unimportant things.
Nothing pleasant comes easy
Debts, illness, ignorance, problems and the like, all come naturally and easily. Not to mention – in itself. On the other hand, the best jobs, the best partner, successful business and the like, require great effort and struggle. Is that fair? Well, it’s not, but it’s true, and nothing can change there. You may have to change jobs, careers, even places of residence, you may have to seek help from celebrities and strangers, face thousands of rejections, but if it is really necessary, be willing to pay that price and affect your life for the better.