The 10 most common lies that girls cover up deeper secrets

No one has not used small, white lies at least once. We all cultivate some secrets, which we would rather keep secret, at least on the first date. If you use that, do you expect the other side to tell 100% truth about yourself?

For singles, on the first date, truth is easier said than done, and the decision to tell a lie instead of the truth is also considered a kind of self-protection. However, if you get into the habit, everything will surely fall apart.

A surprising fact that the research came up with is that if men and women have something in common, it is that they are at least equally prone to lying. Men most often lie about the number of sexual partners, for fear of being characterized as “gigolo” or “inexperienced.”

However, here we are more concerned with women’s lies.

57% of girls lie on the first date

1 – 44% Lies about the number of sexual partners

2 – 33.3% on kilograms

3 – 28.4% about the situation in which he lives

5 – 23.5% about hobbies

6 – 19.8% on marital status

7 – 18.5% about the profession

8 – 13.6% on the level of education

9 – 9.9% Says a fake name

10 – 8.6% Lies about other things (older relationships, plans for the future, expectations, etc.)

Secrets of a successful scheme

The results of a new study show that a woman is less likely to regret a watercress scheme if the sex was satisfactory.


02 lies

Researchers talked to women about non-compulsory sexual experiences and found bad sex is almost always associated with disappointment, shame and remorse. Because of good sex, however, women very rarely regret it. Orgasmic sex leads to the release of oxytocin, which arouses the need for attachment. Therefore, that might produce her think it’s the beginning of a relationship. And even if you can’t promise her eternity, you can promise her protection: using a condom can also relieve the feeling of guilt. And how do you know he wants to keep you to himself?

Decode her “O”

Her sighs may be strategic: women fake an orgasm so men don’t squirm. Women who felt there was a greater chance of being cheated on by their partner were more likely to fake orgasms. That false “O” can be her attempt to show she is committed and reduce the likelihood of you being unfaithful. Other weird ways to keep you close: flirting with the guys in front of you and making phone calls when you’re not expecting.

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