Say goodbye to the hangover

Autumn is coming, and with it come numerous celebrations that cannot pass without alcohol. And not only that. While it lasts, it can be nice and pleasant – if you don’t overdo it – but there is also that “day after”. Nausea, vomiting, headaches … In a word – a hangover. Fortunately, there is a cure for that as well.

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There is almost no person who has not encountered a hangover at some point in their life, or more often. An unpleasant feeling is the body’s reaction to an excessive amount of alcohol in the blood and is called just that – a hangover.

The best prevention is moderation in drinking, but what to do when this sacred rule is circumvented, when the desire for a glass overrides common sense, when … many things can be classified as “when”. And then what? How do we get back to normal the day after the celebration?

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Often, “not to offend the host”, we drink more. And that is understandable. Only after that, we don’t sit behind the wheel of a car. Not at all. But how can we help ourselves in such situations, that is, after them? Here’s how:

When you wake up the next day, chances are you won’t feel very well. Nature has a solution for such situations, and you probably have all the necessary ingredients in the kitchen. However, do not count on the “wedge to wedge”, and do not pull for a new cup. Then, let’s go in order:


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Pour three tablespoons of finely chopped burdock root with seven decilitres of boiling water, cover and set aside for about half an hour. After that, strain the tea and add two tablespoons of turmeric powder and then a tablespoon of homemade honey (or what can be called that). During the day, drink the liquid sip by sip and the hangover will disappear.

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Mix a teaspoon of fennel seeds with a teaspoon of chamomile. Compare it with 2.5 decilitres of boiling water and let it stand for half an hour. Of course, covered. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired. The daily dose is two to three cups of this tea. It will help in sobering up.


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In half a litre of boiling water add a tablespoon of rosemary and a tablespoon of mint. To leave covered for half an hour. Strain and distribute the liquid so that you drink it all day. This tea will gradually eliminate all the side effects of drunkenness.

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One of the characteristics of ginger is it is exceptionally digestive, which means that it relieves stomach aches, dizziness and headaches. It can be consumed as a tea, as a spice for dishes or as a beverage – ginger powder is mixed with water.

Ginger tea sweetened with honey and spiced with lemon juice is a great remedy for a hangover. The preparation is extremely simple: a teaspoon of ginger powder is poured over two decilitres of boiling water and left covered to stand for half an hour. Then strain and add a teaspoon of honey as desired. The daily dose is three glasses, and the hangover will disappear as if taken by hand.

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