Rules of seduction

Even if you know every trick and every way to seduce the lady you are eyeing, know it can always be better. And modern ladies expect something that differs from standardized clichés, which are no longer interesting to anyone. Moreover, they are an obstacle to further progress. So, what do you do?

Reject her

You lie on the couch, and she suddenly clings to you. And you, of course, react instantaneously. Error! Why do you ask? She so rarely shows initiative that it is a real crime not to use this golden opportunity. Do you recognize what it means to “claim the market”? She is aware that you as a man will never refuse sex and that is why she tries so little. But if you pretend to be cold, the memory of the excitement she felt while she wanted you will remain in her head, and she will do it again. Just don’t overdo it, because you can cause a counter effect.

Be spontaneous

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You usually take a long time to prepare to create the right atmosphere. But the truth is – you don’t need silk bedding, champagne and light music to have unforgettable sex. Most women appreciate and remember spontaneity for the longest time. Catch it as soon as the next good opportunity arises – in the elevator, car or changing room in the mall. And that sex will stay in the memory of both of you for years.


If you are one of those couples who like to disguise themselves and enjoy acting in bed, take your “show” to the next level. Travel to another city for an extended weekend. Take a separate shuttle and be in different hotels. Along the way, think of a new person to be on that journey. And then you meet in an unknown place and play two strangers. You can even say “you” to each other. Immerse yourself completely in your imaginary personality and getting to know her. All this will lead to an unforgettable “first” sex.

Watch the movie

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Affirmative, you usually watch porn alone on the Internet when she goes to her parents for the weekend. But try the following. Rent a quality porn movie that has some kind of action. Tim the time when you know she will return home, leave the movie on the TV and you go to another room and watch. Don’t expect them to take off their clothes and start masturbating. She’ll know you’re home and spying on her. But it might invite you to watch the movie together…

Think of yourself

During every sexual intercourse, you concentrate on your partner, not only visually but also physically. You restrain yourself until she reaches orgasm. But, no matter how selfless it may be, sex will eventually turn into just concentrating on delaying orgasm and will become a routine, which is the most principal enemy of the relationship. Every so often you allow yourself to cum even though it may not be over yet. You will reimburse her later.

A new kind of excitement

If an alarm clock and remote control are the only home appliances, you buy batteries for, it’s time to think. And to go “dirty shopping”. Because your sex life isn’t really exciting if you’ve only used ribbed condoms and porn (once). Forget about shame, take your partner by the hand and take her to a sex shop. Prefer what you like the most and the safest – vibrators do not have to be scary, there are also cute ones in the shape of ducks and dolphins. And let your imagination run wild.