More productive at home: avoid some things

As a large part of the population has become accustomed or is still getting used to the change in the work environment – working from home has posed many unexpected challenges.

If you do not have video conferencing meetings, it is acceptable for pyjamas to be your clothing combination. However, don’t think that working out of bed is a good decision.

This rule is vital when it comes to managing physical and mental health at home. Although some people may not have space to work other than the bedroom, it is best to make the bed the last option as a place to work.

May cause back pain

02 rad od kuce

Unless you sleep in an ergonomic office chair, it is safe to say that working in bed will adversely affect your posture. This will result in back and neck pain.

Even if you support your back with pillows, it will never be as strong as a chair. What experts advise, too, if you no longer cross a certain path to work – wake up an hour earlier and if you have nowhere to go – at least walk around your room.

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It can affect your mental health

03 rad od kuce

Working in bed can affect the mood and motivation for the rest of the day, experts say. That is why it is important to make a clear boundary between sleep and working hours, especially when such a work regime is planned to last for several weeks.

When working from home, try to create a workspace for yourself – in the dining room or in the home office to make it easier to separate time for work from relaxation. If possible, work near a window to ensure sunlight and vitamin D.

The bed is not a good colleague

04 rad od kuce

If you are in isolation with people with whom you do not share a room, going near them can be a trademark of your mental health. Small social interactions during the day are important for our mental well-being. Lying in bed will make you feel lazy and less stimulated than the environment around you. This can also make you aggressive towards your roommates. Our advice? Look for a list of fun songs, decorate the table with a plant and pretend your home is your new office – open space. Get organised for coffee!

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Sleep problems in the announcement

05 rad od kuce

It may not surprise you, but working in bed during the day can have a very bad effect on the quality of sleep and sleep when it comes time to turn off the laptop.

It is recommended that your bed be kept only for sleeping and other activities in the room. So, your brain will connect it with sleep.

If you work in bed, it will be difficult to distinguish work from sleep. Relaxation before bed is important for good sleep quality, the expert adds.

They will be less productive

If you work from a place destined for sleep, it will be easier for you to lose track of working hours. We take breaks during a normal working day.

Lunch break, the time we travel to work and from work to home, break to go to the gym, are all examples. Staying in bed all day means you will miss some of these moments. Even if you think less of it as a distraction, it can affect your overall productivity.

No one can concentrate for more than an hour continuously. Because of that, you will have to take regular breaks for yourself, at home.

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Not very hygienic

In addition to affecting mental health, working in bed is also a big problem. If you do not wash the cover every day, it is very difficult for it to stay clean – considering that you spend the whole day there.

A recent study showed that after only a week without washing, the bedding contained more bacteria than the door handle in the toilet. On the other hand, there were more bacteria in the pillows than in the toilet. Yes, maybe you should consider another place to work.

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