Men’s biggest nightmare – premature ejaculation

Many men have a problem with premature ejaculation, which creates several other problems for them because they feel that they are not capable to satisfy their partner. And is that so?

Feelings of guilt and fear of finding out about his problem affect a man’s behaviour, sometimes forcing him to avoid sexual intercourse. And that entails many other problems and even the breakup. What and how should be done to make this a thing of the past? An intriguing detail remains a fact that the exact cause of premature ejaculation is not known. In the past, it was considered to be mainly a consequence of inflammation and the action of various drugs. In recent times, the prevailing opinion is that it is mainly a consequence of the action of psychological factors.

Can ejaculation be delayed?

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If premature ejaculation is not treated, it can become chronic. Success can be achieved with medications and various ejaculation delay exercise techniques.

Sex therapists advise couples to include activities that do not require an erection and partner satisfaction after the man experiences a climax. When attention is diverted from penile-vaginal sex, the love couple’s fear is usually reduced enough to allow for greater ejaculation control and longer-lasting sexual intercourse. Precisely because of this, an increasing number of partners approach classic sex at the very end of the act, favouring a variety of techniques that can lead them to climax even without penetration.

High blood pressure medications speed up ejaculation

Drugs that slow down the ejaculatory reflex can be used. Consult a urologist for this. However, you should also know that if you have any chronic disease and take medication, it can be the cause of premature ejaculation. And you are not even aware of that. As follows, premature ejaculation can be associated with Parkinson’s disease, hormonal disorders, vascular diseases and urinary tract diseases. Plus, this problem is expressed when anti-depressant drugs, high blood pressure, psychostimulants and the like are used.

Masters and Johnson method

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The best way to fight premature ejaculation is to learn to recognize and manage the feelings that lead to orgasm. This is the principle of the “Masters and Johnson” method. It requires a lot of patience and practice, but it is very effective.

The most effective start to exercise involves masturbation. Bring yourself to a point near orgasm, stop and relax before you start afresh. Every time you do that, get closer and closer to orgasm until you can no longer control it. Repeating this process many times on other occasions will help you learn where your climax is. Start the exercises on your own, and later with your partner.

Compression technique

This technique is a variation of the “Masters and Johnson” method. You or your partner, with strong arousal, just before your orgasm, firmly squeeze the head of the penis with your fingers for 15-20 seconds. This will prevent you from ejaculating, but as a side effect, your erection may decline.

The grip pushes the blood out of the penis and thus reduces the erection. Then stimulate yourself again. You repeat this three times during intercourse.

Sleep technique

When your penis is in the vagina, neither you nor your partner should move or make any movements. All you have to do is concentrate on the feeling you have. When you feel like you are close to ejaculating, get out of your partner. After re-arousing with your partner, do the same. It’s hard to control the ejaculation at first, but it’s only a matter of time before you succeed.

It can happen that the erection while resting in the vagina starts to decline and then perform a few movements until your penis hardens again. Penetration should be repeated several times during intercourse.

Desensitize creams

Creams can be found on the market that allegedly reduces the feeling that a man experience during sexual intercourse and thus it lasts longer. Men usually consider these products restrictive because they reduce pleasure.


Many men use masturbation to increase control over sexual intercourse. It is believed that masturbation before sexual intercourse reduces the desire that a man feels, which increases control. This technique, however, is not very effective, because the amount of excitement is only one of the factors that contribute to this condition.


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Some men say that a condom helps them to control premature ejaculation because it reduces their arousal. If one condom does not reduce stimulation enough, put another one. After all, the modern industry provides users with a large number of versions made of materials of different thicknesses and stiffness, so that everyone can choose what suits them best and allows them to extend the relationship.


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Sexual positions can affect ejaculation. The best control can be achieved when the man is on his back. In this position, you are much more relaxed and you can more easily guide your partner and delay ejaculation.

Remember this!

No woman will blame you if you stop and take care of her in another way. Say with your fingers or tongue. None will get angry if you tease her in some other way and let your penis rest a bit.

This is where many men make the biggest mistake. It comes to them, and then they are so unhappy and confused that they simply forget about their partner. If it comes to you, don’t get upset and just keep exciting your girlfriend. You can also seek help in sexual aids.

In short, don’t give up and finish what you started. Your partner will be grateful to you and will never get angry if you cum too fast.

Men are also tormented by the idea that a woman in bed expects them to be a sex machine, which will work for at least three hours without interruption. This is a completely unfounded misconception. A woman will be satisfied if she finds that a man loves her and dedicates himself to her during sex. That is why she will not be angry if a man experiences premature ejaculation because he will know that enjoyment in some other way awaits her.

Pills – a solution offered by pharmacy

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In the end, if none of the above gives a satisfactory effect, most men resort to using pills to maintain an erection. But some medications can help make your relationship last. You should definitely consult a doctor before using any medication, as this type of medication can cause side effects such as mood swings and other side effects, and it is not uncommon to overdo it and — especially in older men — they can cause heart problems. . Therefore, the pills should never be used without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.

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