Is this how you reject women?

Eight ways to be sure to turn down a lady you like, or the art of seduction. Naturally, this is a topic that interests most men who are wondering where they are unsatisfactory and what they require to alter to win the girl they want. Here, to make it a little easier for you.

If you want to achieve more success with the fairer sex, these endure the things you need to get rid of, right now!


If seduction is a kind of ceremony or ritual, part of the pleasure is the process itself, the time it takes, waiting, waiting… Some people do not have the patience for such things. All that matters to them is personal enjoyment, never someone else’s. Being patient means thinking of that other person, which always leaves a favourable impression. Impatience gains the other impression. Behind impatience often hides a complex of lower value, and if you reject such people or make them wait, they react excessively and even unexpectedly.


02 Ovako Odbijate Zene

Stranglers fall in love with you before you are aware of their existence. These are people who tend to suffer from an inner void, a deep void that you cannot fill or satisfy. It is all but impossible to get rid of such people without trauma. They cling to you like ticks, until you are forced to retreat. After that, they suffocate you with feelings of guilt. It takes time for love to develop.

You recognize stranglers by how quickly they start to honour you. Their admiration may briefly stimulate your ego, but deep down you feel that their emotions are not related to anything you have done. A choker sub-variant is a person who selflessly imitates you. The inability to disagree with you on any issue is, in principle, a troubling sign.


Seduction remains a game and should be accompanied with a generous heart. However, the character of a moralist is reasonably strict because they are people who stick to fixed ideas and try to force you to adapt to their standards. Such people want to change you and make you a better person so that they can endlessly criticize and condemn your behaviour. In the first place, their moral ideas stem from personal unhappiness and dissatisfaction and conceal their desire to dominate everyone around them.


This is more than a money problem. It could be said that it is a sign of tightness in a person’s character. These people can think that when they give someone a crumb, they are generous. Try to give not only your money but also make yourself easier and more relaxed, and you will see the common potential in generosity. Of course, you have to keep generosity under control, because giving too much can be desperate, like trying to buy someone.


Clumsy people are self-aware, and their self-awareness encourages yours as well. Such people are not able to get out of their heads. Initially, you may think they are thinking only of you, but in reality, they are thinking only of themselves. They worry about what they look like, or about the consequences of trying to seduce. Their care is usually contagious, so you promptly start taking care of yourself.


03 Ovako Odbijate Zene

The most effective seductions are guided by appearance, indirect actions, physical attraction. Words have their place, but too much conversation will usually break the spell. People who talk too much usually talk about themselves and don’t wonder if they are boring. To be like that means to have deep-rooted selfishness. Therefore, learn to control your own language at all costs.


These people are too sensitive. Not on you, but on your personal ego. Such people examine your every word, your every action, looking for signs of an insult. If you move away from them, as you periodically have to in the process of seduction, they will resent you. Such people are prone to whining and complaining – two very anti-seductive traits. If you make a joke or a joke about them, you will see the bitterness in their face.


Vulgar people are careless about so important details in seduction. You can perceive this in their appearance as well as in their actions. They do not know that sometimes it is better to control themselves and give in to their impulses. Vulgar people talk a lot and reveal things to the public that they may not need to reveal. Recklessness is a visible sign of vulgarity. Such persons are incapable of seeing themselves as others perceive them.

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