How to win anyone?

Talk about things that interest your interlocutor. Before you meet a person who is in your sphere of interest, try to find out as much as possible about him, about his interests and occupations.

It should be borne in mind that the shortest path to a man’s heart is the one that leads through conversations about things he is interested in.

Show genuine interest in other people

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It is human nature to show interest in other people when they show interest in him. We can make friends among people only when we show that we care about them if we are sincerely interested in them. With such an interest in people, you have the opportunity to make more friends in just two months than to try to interest them in yourself and your problems for two full years.

Why would other people be interested in you, if you show no interest in them? If you only care about gaining admiration, attracting the attention of your loved ones, you will never have true sincere friends. True friends are not made that way.

Try to look at things from other people’s perspectives

We know that it is not always wise to attack the interlocutor and convince him that he is wrong. It is much more important that you try to understand and understand the reasons for his sometimes stubborn attitudes. Once you discover the reasons why someone keeps his thoughts deep inside and does not want to share them with others, you will be allowed to influence his actions. Set up to attack him, try to enjoy his situation and position. Ask yourself questions about what it would be like for you to be in his place.

If you do so, you will spare yourself many disappointments. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to penetrate into many secrets of human nature.

Laugh as much as you can!

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Actions speak louder than words, so a smile sends a message that the person in question is dear to you and that you are happy to see them. If you want people to receive you with joy and enjoy meeting you, you have to reciprocate. A smiling man is habitually and everywhere welcomes. However, not every smile is the same. An insincere smile will never deceive. People will recognize an artificial smile and hate it from the bottom of their hearts and souls.

Avoid quarrels

Every argument will lead the opposite side to believe even more firmly in the refutability of their own claims. Remember that no one emerges victorious from an argument, because if you prove the other side wrong, you will hurt his pride, humiliate him, and because of that he will likely start hating you. Willingly or unwillingly.

Be a good listener…

… and get others to talk about themselves. Listening carefully to your interlocutor is one of the nicest compliments you can send to another person. Many greats have stated that they like attentive listeners because the quality of listening is greater than any other virtue.

A man who speaks only of himself and thinks only of himself can be classified among the uneducated, regardless of education. If you want people to despise you, avoid you, or laugh behind your back, use this recipe, never listen to what they tell you, talk about yourself non-stop, and interrupt your interlocutors in the middle of a sentence.

Respect the opinion of others

Never tell your interlocutor that he is wrong. Words are not the only weapon with which you can express that. You can do this with a look, a voice tone and body gestures. However, it is of no use. By behaving like that, you will not win anyone over. You will only hurt someone’s pride and make that person face you.

If you want to prove something to someone, do it carefully and deftly so that your interlocutor does not feel it. We will never admit a mistake to someone who rudely pushes it under our noses or even makes fun of us. What do you think, can you apply these tips to winning a potential partner? Surely!