How to train for the first meeting?

Over here are some tips on how to impress a lady on the first date of your fashion choices. This will considerably help you win it faster, easier and with better quality. She will, then, have a very good opinion of you.

Wear clothes that suit you

02 date

That is the most important rule, but many guys do not pay attention to it. There is nothing less attractive than too tight shirts or too baggy pants that fall. Choose clothes that fit your body perfectly, fit into it and be confident in what you are wearing.

Choose the colour that suits you

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You are not crazy about combining pastel colours, but at the same time, you do not feel the need to wear everything black. You need to know which colours suit you, and a shirt in that colour with a pair of dark jeans is a skill that too few guys use.

Be perfectly nurtured

Tousled hair and a run-down beard can attract some girls, but most of them prefer those well-groomed men. Shaving or trimming your beard before a meeting will do wonders for your appearance and self-confidence.

Don’t forget about ironing, even if you hate it

They say they refuse nothing more than a crumpled shirt or pants. Take 10 minutes before the meeting, take out the iron and give your meeting more charm. She will notice it, rest assured.

Always opt for jeans

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Keep pants of various colours, especially gym pants away from jeans. A set of suits can be suitable for dinners in high classes, but in most cases, jeans will look good with everything. Just be sure to keep bleach away from denim.

Be your own

Allow your individuality to express itself through clothes. A unique T-shirt or antique watch can be exactly what makes you special, and it can also be a great trigger for a conversation if it starts to subside.

Skip the tie

Unless you go to the opera or to increase function at work, leave a tie. The formal suit is just as bad as the street style, and there is no need to create too many formalities at the first meeting.

In fact, skip the suit

Your dad may have said that you should always look your best when you go on a date with a girl, but times have changed and the suit is no longer appropriate for the first date. Stick to simple and elegant things, but you don’t have to achieve a classic look with a suit.

Find your unique scent

Some odours transport you to past events as soon as your nostrils come in contact with it. Make a strong impression by choosing a unique scent and be sure that your meeting will be etched in her memory for a long time.

Choose the right shoes

05 date

Most women are obsessed with shoes, but not just their own. The type of shoe you wear speaks volumes about who you are. Pay attention when choosing shoes because they will greatly affect your appearance.

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