How to maintain a virtual connection?

There are more and more long-distance connections, and people don’t seem to know how to cope in such situations. These instructions are especially important for people who have met Online. A couple, in such situations, can conclude they were simply born for each other, but the problem for them is – distance? What is a long-distance connection in general, how many miles is the minimum for a connection to be so characterized, what to do in such situations?

Don’t be rash in your decisions, because feelings are mixed if your partner is not next to you.

If you’ve ever experienced a long-distance relationship, you know what kind of effort we’re talking about, because it’s uneasy to maintain confidence and security when you don’t see your loved one often. Here are some tips to help you.

Avoid secrets

Honesty is perhaps the most important thing in any relationship, especially one that works remotely. Always talk about whether something is bothering you and work together to get through a bad period. You will be unable to achieve this if you hide your feelings or life events from your partner.

Talk daily

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Nowadays, maintaining such a relationship is not as difficult as it was before. Aside from the technology you own, there’s no reason not to share with each other what you did that day because it will keep your relationship alive.

However, experts recommend you send voice messages more often than text messages because a text message cannot always be used to conclude what you thought and in what way. But to get quality voice messages, you must first master the written ones.

And that’s very important because there are situations where you won’t be able to send a voice message. What then? A text message is a universal form of communication, through which you can convey all emotions. Including emoticons, which today predominate in written communication and almost everyone comprehends them.

Define the seriousness of the relationship

Before embarking on this relationship, you must define the terms. A long-distance relationship involves sacrifice, but if you really believe you care for each other, then it will not matter to you. Agree on how many times you will hear each other days depending on the responsibilities you both have and whether you are allowed to see other people.

Have a clear goal

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This kind of relationship cannot work forever. That is why it is significant to determine your ultimate goal with your partner at the very beginning. The belief that in the future you will finally live in the same place for your relationship is like a light at the end of a tunnel. There are no specific deadlines, a month or two, maybe a year? It doesn’t matter, you must know approximately how long the separation will last. And try delivering your promise.

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