We will try explaining to you how you can stimulate this point of your better half so that you give her an orgasm that she will not forget. And it will keep coming back to you for more!
Select your weapon
According to the latest research by a company that manufactures sex toys and sexy lingerie, 55% of men have never found their partner’s G-spot, and as many as 36% of men don’t even know what it is!
Let’s not lie. We know that this point is harder to hit than an apple on someone’s head, but it is worth looking for. Orgasms caused by G-spot stimulation concerning those that your sweetheart gets when you stimulate her clitoris, shake the entire lower part of the body. Choose your weapon, fingers, tongue, and play carefully.
First, lubricate your index finger and middle finger well, and then gently enter it. Then slowly move back and forth. When you enter it, about an inch or so from the upper part of the vaginal wall, there is an area called the G-spot. It is a bit rough and wrinkled landscape that swells as much as the girl gets aroused. To begin with, rhythmically stimulate that part with both fingers. As she gets more and more excited, let your movements become circular. Then, literally, start tickling her G-spot with your fingertips. You must not allow girls to get bored with one and the same movements.
If you have a tongue like a lizard, then it is possible to reach the G-spot through oral sex. If that’s not the case, you’ll suffocate sooner. Alternatively, use a device to stimulate her G-spot, while your tongue stimulates her clitoris. It would be best if your head and shoulders go over her hips, instead of between your legs. This makes it easier to control the vibrator, and you also have more space for language games.
Doggy style
The best pose to stimulate her G-spot is the so-called lazy doggy style. A small variation over the usual doggy style just tells her to get down on her elbows. This is how her queen rises and leans and your penis can now stimulate your partner’s G-spot. Try incorporating a few circular motions into your arsenal, not just go back and forth.
That’s it. You’re ready. Good luck!