How to find happiness

Each of us deserves and should live from the uninterrupted flow of joy, with full awareness of the existence of choices.

There is a technique called Access Consciousness for this. This set of tools, designed by experts, is invaluable in the most difficult moments of life.

What is success?

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In our material world, it is said that success is money, career, etc.… Thanks to experiences, a person can reach a point where he becomes aware and understands that success is to reach peace and ease; success is achieved if at least one person can change his life, and then that person changes the world.

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What does it mean to live in your nature?

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To be what I am, without any barriers or fear of what someone will think of me. Live in 10 seconds and know that you always have a choice, no matter what situation you are in, that you have a choice and how you will live.

How to achieve awareness?

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Awareness is the moment when we stop reacting and when we start allowing each person to choose what suits him, whether it is destructive or not.

We are aware when we are willing to accept everything and everyone without any judgment! Oneness is the ability to receive everything, to judge nothing, and to allow the whole universe to be what it is. That is my goal!

People may exclude you from their reality, but you allow them to be included in yours. Everyone is involved in unity without judgment.

Your consciousness is greater than the madness of this reality. Nothing is greater than your consciousness. Be bigger than the biggest court. Do not make judgment more real than the ability to create your own reality.

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Why is it important to live from questions and not just look for answers?

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There is no answer in consciousness. There are many paths and points of view for everyone, endless possibilities! When you ask what kind of expansion is possible for yourself, but also for everyone else, here you open up countless possibilities…

When looking for an answer, you look from the perspective of your own mind, which is often unchanging. Most of us spend our entire lives looking for answers. We want to be right, not to make mistakes.

But what if something else is possible? What is the question? The question always strengthens the answer and diminishes you. It is about exploring all possibilities.

When you are open to the adventure of curiosity, everything becomes possible (everything you want to create).

An open question opens the door to different possibilities. Instead of saying you did something wrong, ask yourself, “What’s wrong with this now that I don’t understand?”

Or, instead of saying that today is a bad day, ask yourself how it can be better than this…

Asking questions gives you awareness of the possibilities, there is always a choice! Looking for solutions makes you look for the right answer.

However, there are never any real answers, because you get entangled in your own thinking and endless analysis. When you ask questions, you can get the keys to your wildest dreams.

How do Access Consciousness tools affect?

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They all made a great impact, especially working with energy processes on their own body. It expands my consciousness every day and gives me access to infinite energy.

What is so special about this method that allows us to live life to its full potential?

Access is not a spiritual, metaphysical or religious method. Why? Because there is no structure or dogma or set of beliefs that we have to fit into.

We all look for similarities between the new and what we already know. You can’t do that with Access Consciousness. It’s totally different from anything you’ve tried!

Access allows us to be our own expert, instead of relying on someone else’s truth, and I adore that. Access always empowers us to be aware of that.

It sounds simple when you say that all you need is to choose happiness. How do we select happiness? Can we even recognize her?

Living in our reality requires that we constantly decide what is right and what is wrong about us. What if you are the most valuable thing on the planet, and you refuse to be? What if you are a gift just because you were born here and required here?

Is it your choice not to receive, perceive and know?

  • Is it your choice to live in the past?
  • Is it your choice to live in the future?
  • Is it your choice to never see yourself?

If you want to let go of the belief that you are not worth it, you can change someone’s reality without doing anything special – it is enough to be what you are.

You are a gift, and when you realize that, you will receive yourself as a gift, and you will no longer think about whether you are unhappy or happy. Observe, get to know and accept yourself as great, because that is true!

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