How long does average sex actually last?

While recent studies have shown that sex lasts about seven minutes on average, reputable experts who specialize in treating male sexual problems claim that even that is an exaggeration.

Percentages, percentages…

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The research revealed that as many as 43 per cent of couples do not make love for more than two minutes on average. In 27 per cent of people, sex lasts on average from three to seven minutes, for 18 per cent of them the pleasure is uninterrupted from seven to 15 minutes, while only 12 per cent of couples say that their sex, ie penetration itself, lasts from 15 minutes to several hours.

Real or fake orgasm?

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He mentions men as the main “culprits” for this, although premature ejaculation is considered a condition in which sexual arousal cannot be controlled for more than a minute. More than 90 per cent of women cannot experience orgasm within two minutes, so in such sex, their pleasure is definitely deprived.

How long does it take?

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There are considerable variations between couples, so some really make love for up to an hour, but there are significantly more of those whose passionate sessions are short. He adds that men who cannot delay orgasm for two minutes from the beginning of sex, but do not experience it after 40 minutes of making love, should definitely visit a doctor because such problems can be alleviated. On average, couples make love twice a week, and the consequence of the brief duration of sex represent definitely the lack of desire for it.

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