How do turn dreams into reality?

The easiest thing in life is to have a dream, a vision or maybe a mission. And illusions fall into this area! It is easy to think about making a dream come true, but it is a completely different story to work on it every day and reach the desired goal. All of that which is needed to achieve success is just – endless discipline. And discipline is a tool of the great!

Success is comparable to will

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Most people know what they desire, a good part of them and the way to achieve it. But the missing part is – work! And that’s the hardest part. If we pay attention to really successful people, we can see the amount of their work, pain and suffering is proportional to their success. The reason these people put in so much work and endured suffering is nothing but their will. Want something material or spiritual, maybe a loved one?

They wanted that something so badly, that they were ready to go through the cry of hell itself. All that the human will represents is the ability to control oneself, one’s impulses and one’s actions. A firm determination that makes him do something, without giving up. Successful people demonstrate this ability, but it is on a completely different level.

How to have more will and motivation?

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Many people look for motivation through video clips and various tutorials. However, the best way to improve the will is discipline. Some rely on motivation to do various things. But if they run out of motivation — which in most cases happens — they easily give up and wait for their motivation to return.

Real giants, on the other hand, rely on discipline, not motivation. Professional athletes and business people are unmotivated all the time. Moreover, they are sometimes completely demotivated. But their advantage is they never stop and never give up. What drives them forward? Discipline!

What is discipline and how is it developed?

Discipline is the ability to control personal feelings and overcome weaknesses. The ability to do what you think is right, despite the desire to give it up. If you want to develop discipline, you have to learn how to postpone the current pleasure, more precisely the desire to experience that pleasure immediately and now. For example, to eat something tender or log in to social media profiles. It proves you and indicates what it signifies – now! It is similar in love. Sometimes the real satisfaction and reward for the effort come a little later than you would like.

What helps to develop discipline?

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In the first place, it is resistance! Resist the urge to consume fast food, check social media accounts, or waste time on unimportant things. Then, love pain and suffering. For example, when you are facing difficulties, or when you are working on something significant, maybe when you are training? The most successful people have a huge tolerance for suffering. Significantly, it is necessary to sleep on time. Believe it or not, and, that’s discipline. How? See how it is solved in the army. Soldiers always lie down and wake up at the same time! And that is part of the discipline.

The following is the time management available to you. Take care of how you plan your hours and days. At that time, it is the turn of tireless perseverance. Strictly stick to the plan, and don’t let emotions, successes or failures derail you. To succeed, you have to make sacrifices! You are free to put an equal sign between those two words. People often talk about how they want to become successful and achieve certain goals. But as soon as the need arises to sacrifice something they care about, then they reveal their exact character and priorities.

Pay attention to the most influential people of all time, and you will notice one thing in common with all of them – they have sacrificed everything. Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and many others, who have dedicated their whole being to achieving the set goal.

Are you also mentally strong enough to achieve your goals? Naturally, it is! And you will only achieve them if you really want them. Ask yourself that question, stand in front of a mirror and give yourself an honest answer. Not to others – to themselves. At that time you will know what your character is and what you are capable of. Do you possess enough strength to win over a loved one?