Food against stress

Modern ordinary life brings us to the brink of madness, stress and many other negative emotions. It is not healthy and help is often found in – food

The fact that among the best-selling drugs in the UK are those against stress and depression, speaks enough about the state of the human psyche in this area. The reasons are various – from love and financial problems, through those related to children, parents, colleagues at work, little things like the disappearance of the Internet when it is very important and the like.

All in all, Brits easily reach for medicines of various types and purposes. And usually without consulting experts – doctors. Is there an alternative to chemical products? Of course! Someone very smart said a long time ago that nature created a cure for every pain, you just need to recognize it. Based on these and similar tips, we have tried to present you with natural anti-stress drugs, which are not only effective but also delicious. You don’t believe it? Let’s embark on a little adventure through the kitchen lab.

Stress disappears with avocados and bananas

There is almost no creature on the planet that does not like sweets. Natural ones are the healthiest, so consuming fruit for a snack can be a good and effective way to fight stress. Therefore, if you are not at home, and you get nervous, run to the first self-service for bananas. Avocados, however, are a little harder to consume on the street. Note also that stress in certain situations and intensities can be motivating and help us progress in what we do or love. But you should also know that if stress is not reacted to in the right way, it endangers health.

What is a trigger for stress?


Each of us is a person for himself and responds to different stimuli in his own way. It’s the same with stress – everyone has various triggers. According to a survey conducted in America, as many as 40 per cent of people cite work as a cause of stress. No wonder. Angry bosses, jealous and frowning colleagues who watch when and how they can put your foot down, snitch you or do any other trick… all this “stresses” a normal person.

However, science clearly states that stress can come from within. Therefore, we can put ourselves in a situation that can be potentially dangerous to our health. To concretize the matter – constant care and worries can be detrimental to health and cause many dangerous diseases.

How the body reacts to stress


The human organism provides an answer for every situation in the form of a reaction that is the opposite of the foreign one that endangers his health. In such situations, our body automatically releases so-called catecholamines. These are the hormones responsible for assessing whether the danger should be escaped or tackled and fought. Precisely because of that, the level of adrenaline in the blood jumps, the pulse increases, the breath speeds up, the secretion of sweat is more noticeable and the muscles enter a state of readiness for action – they become tenser than it is in normal situations.

If you feel symptoms of stress for more than seven days, then you can be said to be suffering from chronic stress. This leads to more serious health problems because stress hormones can exhaust the body and prevent its adequate fight against external agents, bacteria, viruses and who knows what else.

Fruit and stress

In addition to medication, a variety of exercises can help fight stress. For example, those related to breathing. But rarely is anyone aware of the fact that fruit reduces the intensity and symptoms of stress. Yes, just like that. Fruits recommended in such situations include avocados and bananas. But how do they help?

Bananas and avocados are rich in vitamin B6. You likely know that each B vitamin has a specific function in the human body. These roles range from supporting DNA regeneration to blood production. There are B vitamins that help change the shape of energy, which helps the body’s systems when they need to react to stress.

Vitamin B6 helps keep the nervous system healthy. When he is healthy, he fights stress better. And here are some delicious recipes to combat stress.

Banana with chocolate sauce

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Bananas contain much more than vitamin B6. They are also rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which is transformed in the body into serotonin or the hormone of happiness. Serotonin helps in relaxation and recovery from nervousness. When a banana is combined with chocolate, the snack is twice as effective. Chocolate also has beneficial neurological effects that help against stress. So, one banana split a day means more than a handful of drugs.

Avocado sandwich

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This is another way to quickly lift your mood and energy. In addition to vitamin B6, avocados also contain tyrosine, which helps produce dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and hormone that is also often associated with good mood.

To make an avocado sandwich, all you require is a sliced avocado, two slices of bread, a tomato, eggs and cheese. Naturally, you can combine the ingredients, add and subtract them to your liking. Avocados, by the way, are often combined with salty foods.

What in the end

So, not everything is in pharmaceutical products. Nature has long taken care to supply us with all the necessary foods, chemical elements and various ingredients that, combined well, are the perfect cure for everything that can befall a person. So, instead of examining pharmacy and visiting pharmacies in search of salvation from modern plagues, we should dedicate a little more to nature, herbs, fruits, vegetables and everything that has a natural predisposition. After all, walking in (unsprayed) fields and meadows is another way to fight stress. While we are looking for what our body needs, we also exercise and are physically active.

As a result, when you’re nervous, start by telling yourself – nice. Then throw in one of the suggested recipes. It can’t hurt at all. It can help – very likely.

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