Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice over five thousand years old and represents a slower, meditative form of sexual intercourse where the goal is not the climax but the joint enjoyment of the sexual journey and the sensations felt in the body.
The goal is to direct the movement of sexual energy to the whole body for the sake of enjoyment, but also bliss and spiritual upliftment.
Science has so far confirmed the existence of nine energy centres in the body, ie chakras, and they are all activated by tantric sex and thus raise the relationship between two people to the level of transcendence.
How to bring tantric sex into your bedroom?
Preparation is very important. As well as focusing on what you want to experience, at least initially until you have more experience.
Be focused on each other without the presence of TVs, mobile phones and other distractions, which certainly have no place in the bedroom. To create a sexual connection that leads to tantric sex indulge and let every thought or doubt that pops into your head just come and go.
Tantric sexuality is a technique like any other, so this skill needs to be learned and mastered, so it is important to follow a few guidelines that will lead you to the top of tantric pleasure.
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Create an atmosphere
Turn off the lights and create a romantic, challenging atmosphere. Light scented candles like sandalwood, which will stimulate your senses even more. This kind of atmosphere will allow you to be focused on each other and to activate your senses even more and put your thoughts in the background.
If you like, play some light, relaxing music. Foods that have aphrodisiac properties are not out of the question and will come in handy if you want to feed each other during this experience.
Jeans are not a good idea, because who wants to ruin the atmosphere by taking off this hard and tight piece of clothing. Rather, start the evening in some light, wide clothes whose removal you won’t even notice.
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Relax your body
Since during the tantric experience the energy moves through the whole body, it would not be bad to get up before the start and shake well. As the dog copes with stress, so you will relax your muscles and prepare your body for something new.
If the bed drags you to sleep, it is a good idea to cover it with a different blanket so that it only serves as a “base”. Or if you want to experiment a little more, put blankets and pillows on the floor and let each other go.
In the beginning, lie down, cuddle and touch all over your body. Make sure you are comfortable, relaxed and fully ready to explore your partner’s body.
This way you will slowly strengthen your senses, like touch, and the effect and reaction will be just as intense.
After a few minutes of touching your fingertips, your nerve endings will have an elevated sense of touch. And if all this is done in the right way, the relationship and satisfaction can last much longer.
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Remember to breathe
Focus on your breathing, and even if you naturally like it – don’t hold your breath.
And, if you feel your thoughts are wandering and that you doubt all this, and that you are planning what you will do next – shift your focus to your breath and slow down your breathing.
It is even desirable for you and your partner to breathe in the same rhythm – because it improves the connection between you.
Try to be present at the moment as much as possible, as if the world around you does not exist.
Even if the first time your tantric experience doesn’t last long, try again after a while. It will take time for you to get used to it and not understand sex as in the films, and for it to have an obvious beginning, middle and end.
Then that all these steps can be changed, overlapped, mixed and circulated. After a while, you will view sex as something more than a climax, and over time you will train your body so that you delay it as much as possible, and in the end, the orgasm will be much stronger and more intense.
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Tantric connection
Tantric sex is guided by the fact that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and you can at any time with your partner recognise what level he is and what he thinks – whether he enjoys, how much, but also where to go next.
In addition to your partner being in front of your watchful eye, you are also in front of his.
This is how you release yourself, become more aware of your body and together you practice discovering yourself completely. You have stripped in front of each other in every sense, and that has a very powerful effect.
This two-minute exercise also helps, where you sit across from each other and look deep into each other – face to face. Watch your loved one and feel how he or she feels. Does he look away, is he ashamed, does he close or release himself?
Does she need encouragement, comfort, or confirmation? Feel in terms of what is happening, without trying to verbalise your condition.
During sex, you try to make the same connection all the time. Focus on being present in the moment, on your breathing, on every touch, smell and sound.
Feel the energy flowing through you, and it is stronger than making love. Be aware that you are connected better than ever – on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.
Tantric sex is good for all those who want to try something new in bed, become more intimate or reconnect with their partner.
This way you gradually get rid of all the blockages and inconveniences you may feel during intercourse, and you raise your sexual energy from the coma.
For women, the charms of procrastination, and a more intense climax or even opening up opportunities for multiple orgasms, are especially powerful.
While in men, procrastination and thus longer sexual performance is a big plus, as well as the appearance of the ability to orgasm without ejaculation.
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Why should you try it?
Not only do you prolong pleasure and elevate it to a higher level, but you connect first and foremost with yourself. And then with his partner, which further achieves larger and more intense forms of ecstasy.
The point is to keep your focus from being at its peak, no matter how much you want it at the time, and to focus on enjoying foreplay until you’re ready for your natural end.
It may be funny and uncomfortable at first, but know that you are there with the person closest to you. If necessary, take breaks, divert thoughts from discomfort and touch each other to show that you are there.