According to some research, antidepressants are swallowed more in the world than drugs for the heart, elevated cholesterol or any other disease. The trouble is that many do it on their own, often unnecessarily, just because they are in a bit of a bad mood at the moment. Try these “anti-fool” techniques and you will presently gain the brighter side of life.
Pour on the seafood food
Why does it work? Fish and seafood contain two types of omega-3 fatty acids – EPA and DHA. In the mortal body, high levels of DHA are associated with increased secretion of dopamine or serotonin – the same substances whose secretion is caused when you swallow an anti-depressant pill. In animals, it has again been observed that low concentrations of DHA can cause malaise. You seem to have a great chance of being moody, anxious and nervous if you don’t eat fish!
Do this! Keep bluefish (salmon, mackerel and sardines) on your plate at least twice a week. Otherwise, take the prescribed daily dose of the mentioned omega fatty acids. This will not only contribute to a better mood over time but will also improve your memory and thinking speed. So mind your head, fish on a plate!
Lift the mood with a good scent
Why does it work? If the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach, then the way to his mood is through the nostrils! Research by American behaviourist psychologists has shown that patients were less tense while waiting in line at the dentist if relaxing scents of lavender or orange were emitted in the waiting room. And if these harmless smells can distract your thoughts from the annoying howling of a dental drill, then they can certainly work miracles in much less terrible circumstances!
Do this! You are probably not the type who will start purchasing various scented candles, potpourri and Indian sticks. Instead, before you leave the house, spray yourself a couple of times with some citrus-scented perfume: Armani’s Acqua Di Gio or Kelvin Klein’s Eternity for Men will lift your spirits, even before your sweet neighbour comments on how wonderful you smell today!
Set goals And then aim for them!
Why does it work? If you set goals for yourself in life, it will not cause stress, as many think – it is actually a valve to which stress will come out of you! Research by scientists shows that people who constantly have a goal that they strive for are less depressed, feel better in their skin and find much more meaning in life than those who live by the principle of “just relaxed”. Setting goals lifts the mood because of the feeling of the possibility of success, and that improves the general attitude of the individual towards life.
Do this! Always set yourself reasonable, achievable goals. To achieve them, always try several ways and do not give up if one fails – go the other way and the solution may be around the corner! For example, promise yourself that you will go to the gym three times a week, instead of still planning to lose 20 pounds, without any specific program. And if you miss an appointment, vow to omit bread or pasta for dinner. You need goals that are quick and easy to achieve and that represents points on the way to a higher goal. This way, you will be able to afford frequent small doses of good mood, which are even more useful than euphoria after a great and hard-earned success.
Dilute black thoughts with white milk
Why does it work? Milk, like other protein foods, such as eggs, meat and fish, is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, a substance secreted by the brain and which improves our mood. Low levels of tryptophan in the diet can be a cause of lethargy. If you are a vegetarian, you can get enough tryptophan if you eat oatmeal, bananas, dates, sesame seeds, chickpeas, sunflower seeds and pumpkin.
Do this! Drink milk or yoghurt, eat eggs, meat and fish, or supplement each meal with a portion of seeds or oatmeal. Eat a banana for a snack and don’t worry – a good mood will assuredly come.
Run for a better tomorrow!
Why does it work? There is happiness in running! People who enjoy a sedentary life are much more likely to develop depression than those who run regularly. In fact, any type of physical recreation simply dissolves stress, stimulating the secretion of the hormones norepinephrine, serotonin, beta-endorphins and dopamine. All these hormones lift the mood, like natural doping.
Do this! If possible, go on foot and take a swift step to work, forget about the elevator and run up the stairs, do not avoid appointments at the gym… Any cardiovascular training, especially interval training, of only half an hour a day, can make you the happiest person!
Have sex!
Why does it work? Although you consider the scientific explanation why sex improves mood unnecessarily, we will tell you: a few minutes after orgasm, the hormone oxytocin, which lowers blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol is secreted in your body. But unfortunately, regardless of whether you achieved orgasm with your partner or masturbation, the oxytocin level returns to normal in about ten minutes, sexologists say.
Perform this! Pamper yourself after sex, because oxytocin is not only secreted during intercourse but also while you are passionately cuddling. So, the longer you are in an embrace after sex, the more oxytocin will “work” on your better mood!