Anxiety – Part 3

Is anxiety hereditary and curable? The evidence we have today speaks in favour of the fact that anxiety can be hereditary.

Studies done on twins show that if one twin has an anxiety disorder, the probability that the other will also develop an anxiety disorder ranges from 31 to 88%, depending on the study.

Some are more sensitive by nature, some less so, and that cannot be fundamentally changed. But it is possible to understand what is actually happening in the background of your anxiety and it can be influenced to reduce its intensity and not to disturb your quality of life.

We must not run away from emotions, but we can educate them

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It is good to ask yourself what it is that is actually inherited.

Do you inherit anxiety and panic attacks, or do you inherit the general personality type and reasoning patterns that make you susceptible to anxiety disorders?

It is not so much the problem of the situations that happen to us in life, but what we think about those situations. The most common patterns of inference about life, people around us and ourselves are created in childhood and are never questioned.

Think now what is it in you, in your reasoning that makes you anxious? Exclude completely different people from the story “he/she makes me anxious, children make me anxious, the employer makes me anxious” and focus completely on finding the answer IN YOURSELF.

We hear as children how the world is a horrible place, how we always have to be careful, how something is terrible, too difficult, horrible, unbearable, how something has to be done.

How we must give up ourselves for the sake of others, how selfish it is to take care of ourselves, how we must be what others expect of us, how we must not disappoint.

Such beliefs are the cornerstone of panic attacks and anxiety.

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Anxiety treatment

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For panic and phobic disorders of lower intensity and shorter duration, psychotherapy alone is usually sufficient. The most common and most effective treatment for anxiety disorders is a combination of psychopharmaceuticals and psychotherapeutic methods.

Here are some basic rules:

  • Never take medication on your own.
  • Contact an expert. It’s not a shame.
  • Do not try to treat anxiety with alcohol. It is not part of the solution but part of the problem. Alcohol is a depressant. It will make the situation worse, although it will look like a good solution at the moment.
  • If your doctor has prescribed therapy for you, do not stop it when you think you no longer need it. If you stop that way, you can make things worse. Therapy is gradually introduced and gradually discontinued.
  • It is important to know that medications do not relieve anxiety forever. They are there to facilitate daily functioning and to repair the consequences. It is important to find out the cause. The cause is revealed in a conversation with a psychotherapist.
  • Don’t avoid situations that cause you anxiety.
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and sweets.

Let’s remember, the first and basic thing for overcoming anxiety is – ACCEPTANCE, NOT ESCAPE.

The longer you resist, the more persistent the anxiety will be. Then you get upset that you get upset.

Nervousness due to nervousness. Fear of fear. So you blame yourself for feeling that way.

How does that sound to you?

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Meet yourself. Don’t run away from others. Try to adopt that you don’t have to do anything. That no one is perfect, not even you. That you owe nothing to another, nor do others owe you. To survive even the most difficult things. That you don’t have to live by other people’s standards, nor do others have to live by yours.

That your value does not depend on what others think of you. That your value does not depend on how hard you work, how much you sacrifice for others and to what extent you neglect yourself. That nothing that happens in your life is unbearable.

Try to replace the catastrophic words – “terrible, terrible, catastrophe, terrible” with one – UNPLEASANT. Life situations have as much power as you give them.

And remember: The biggest problems in life hide the biggest chances.

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Is It Possible To Cure Anxiety Forever?

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You can reduce the number of situations in which it occurs, you can reduce the intensity of the reaction, but you cannot eliminate anxiety forever.

If you have it every day now, you can reduce it to once in six months, for example.

Sometimes you will know exactly when and why the anxiety occurred.

Sometimes it will show up for no reason. Just when you think she’s finally gone – she’ll show up again. You will probably feel sad, disappointed in yourself.

Because how is everyone around you so collected and relaxed and you can’t fight with yourself?

It’s normal for him to come back. It is normal to come in waves occasionally, greet her friendly:

β€œHey anxiety, here you are again. So how are you, what’s up? ”

Notice that she is there, accept that she will return occasionally.

Consider if there is a trigger? Did something happen that upset you? What are your thoughts on what upset you?

It is important to learn to follow the flow of your thoughts when it comes to anxiety. Think about what caused it, why, what were your thoughts about in those moments and before?

People who don’t know how to say “NO” are more prone to anxiety?

I will not exaggerate if I say that 90% of people who suffer from anxiety have this problem. Even if they have the strength to say NO, they are consumed by guilt or need to supplement each NO with an explanation and justification.

Anxiety sometimes comes just to show you that you are in the last place in your life and that you live to please others.

She is there to protect your boundaries when she sees that you are emptied while still giving, giving and giving and so on indefinitely. He is here to tell you:

“Enough! Stop! Look at me a little, listen to what I want to tell you! You have to have something for yourself to give to others. ”

It is time to examine the priorities

It is not selfish to give first to oneself. It is necessary. For the relationships you have with others to be based on quality and not on you – you give it to me.

When you give your best and when you have nothing left, you feel that others owe you. You get mad at them for no reason. By your actions and kindness, you create toxic relationships that suffocate you and everything around you. This is true in all relationships – parental, friendly, partner, business.

Also check: How to stay normal?


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Take a notebook and write a few pages about the connection between you and anxiety. Ask her what’s there. What first comes to your mind that the reason for your anxiety is – write it down. Think about it and keep writing. That’s where your answers lie. In the end, it turns out that a person can help himself the most. Of course, there is no need to throw specialists out of the game, but if you do not want to help yourself, no one will succeed.

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