Anxiety – Part 2

You can live freely again and enjoy life in all its colours, not just black and white shades and try to avoid danger while essentially avoiding life.

We’ll teach you how. Just keep reading.

How and why does anxiety occur?

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Lots of daily stress, loss of loved ones, any major life changes and milestones, trauma, entering menopause, a sea of information from all sides, too much bad news, too much uncertainty about everything, job loss… And much more.

There are countless reasons today

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We are all human, we all have our problems and everyone has their biggest problem. What makes people different is how they deal with problems and how much they believe in their ability to solve problems.

Anxiety has two edges:

  1. Exaggerating the risk of danger
  2. Disparaging your own ability to cope.

Think about it, how much do you believe in your abilities?

When a person loses faith, he needs to control everything.

The need to control everything creates and maintains anxiety.

When you have faith, you know that even the most difficult periods of life are there to teach you something, to strengthen you, to divert you from the wrong path.

Some people say the most serious illnesses in their lives have been their greatest blessing. These people are not masochists. They are wise. They knew what the disease was telling them. They knew it was a call for great and necessary changes.

We can never connect the dots in advance and predict the future, no matter how much we think and shape the future in our heads, we can never know what unforeseen circumstances will happen.

We can only connect the dots backwards, and it is good to do it occasionally

Remember how some of the most difficult periods of your life shaped you and brought you closer to your essence.

Our task is to learn to look at life as a path, instead of looking at every difficulty as a final destination.

Difficulties are roadside signs. Some people stay forever sitting next to the sign instead of continuing the journey.

Also check: Anxiety cure

Are you among them?

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Symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Feeling short of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tremor or shivering
  • Sweating
  • Feeling of suffocation
  • Feeling nauseous or upset in the stomach
  • Numbness
  • Dizziness and instability
  • Feeling alienated or detached from oneself
  • Heat or chills
  • Fear of death
  • Fear of insanity or loss of control

That way you can feel constant.

It is important to understand there are many situations that we encounter in everyday life in which it is appropriate, even desirable, to react with a certain dose of anxiety.

An anxiety disorder differs from “normal” anxiety in:

  • Intensity (for example, it grows into a panic attack),
  • Duration (anxiety that lasts for months instead of ending after the stressful situation has passed)
  • It grows into phobias and leads to avoidance

What does a panic attack look like?

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When anxiety turns into a panic attack, it can scare a person. The scary and dramatic feeling is very similar to a heart attack.

That is why it is important that if you have problems like this, you do NOT give yourself a diagnosis because sometimes it is not a panic attack, sometimes it can really be a heart problem that creates the symptoms of a panic attack.

If your doctor determines everything is fine with your heart, if everything is fine with your hormones, if your blood sugar level is OK and you still have the following symptoms, it is probably a case of panic attacks.

Also check: Recognize that

Panic attack – symptoms

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Mostly the same as with anxiety but much more intense.

Skipping heartbeat, rapid beating, dizziness, nausea, inability to focus, hands tingling, the whole body shaking, shivering and sweating pass in the waves. It’s like you don’t have enough air in your lungs. You can’t breathe nicely. Sometimes you feel pain in your chest, a lump in your throat that seems to be planning to suffocate you.

This can happen out of pure peace. It often happens at night, while you fall asleep. Suddenly you are awakened by a strong heartbeat and panic sets in.

The fear of death is almost always present.

Do not worry. You will not die. You won’t go crazy. You will not have a heart attack.

No one has ever died of a panic attack.

You will be unashamed.

Believe me, many around you feel the same way, but they try to cover up and not talk about it.

Remember this well:





I feel tired after a panic attack, is that normal?

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A huge amount of energy passes through the body as panic plays out. Imagine the amount of adrenaline you need to fight or escape from a lion. That amount of adrenaline in those moments passes through your body.

As soon as the attack passes, the adrenaline drops and you feel exhausted. The brain does not distinguish whether it fled from a lion or just went through a panic attack, in any case, it invests the same amount of energy to protect you and you are as tired after a panic attack as if you were fighting a lion or running away from it.

Also check: Modern life

How to stop a panic attack and anxiety?

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1) Education

By educating yourself about it and recognising when it happens to you. It is very important.

2) Relaxation

Pay attention as you read these lines to how much your shoulders are in spasm, how tight your forehead and jaw are.

Stop for a moment with reading, close your eyes, try to feel the tension and relax those parts. Stay at least two minutes in that observation and conscious relaxation. Try not to fall asleep.

Practise this every day, for at least 10 minutes a day. Ideally half an hour.

Every time you get anxious, remember this exercise and do it.

3) Ice cubes

When it comes to a panic attack, as soon as you feel that it has started, first realise that it has started and that you will not die. If you are able, take a few ice cubes and hold them. Switch from one hand to the other. The goal is to shift attention. Try it and let me know if it helped.

4) Breathing

Breathing is also very important. Two quick and strong breaths through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth. The exhale is twice as long as the inhale. If you inhale for five seconds, you exhale for 10 seconds. As you exhale, imagine a balloon in your stomach, imagine that balloon filling with your breath.

The panic attack itself should last only a minute or two.

Your catastrophe prolongs it considerably. “What if I die, go crazy, lose control” is what prolongs a panic attack for 15-20 minutes. It can take up to half an hour, but some people say it lasts for an hour. Big eyes are in fear.


Try to panic as little as possible in everyday life

Catch every thought like “what if this and that happens”. Notice that it is there and stop it. Ask yourself what is the percentage chance that the worst-case scenario will happen to you. Remember such thoughts create a problem for you.

When your thoughts are BLACK AND WHITE, when they go from extreme to extreme, know it is irrational and that it is mostly untrue.

Thoughts are not the same or equal to reality.

Try finding some middle ground, some nuance in between. Think about other ways you can look at the same situation.

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