Anxiety – Part 1

Why does it occur, what are the symptoms and what should be done for treatment? You may be surprised by the idea of why we write about the scourge of modern society but believe me – anxiety can be a big obstacle in sexual and love life. About those details, some other time.

We are writing this text as someone lucky or unlucky enough to go through anxiety and panic attacks and to “hang out” with them every day for two years. So, experience in action.

I completely understand how you feel – just you who are reading this, because you are probably going through the same or similar situations, otherwise you wouldn’t do it. So, honesty in the first place, I did not understand in the same way until I personally experienced it all. Only then did I realise the extent to which anxiety can destroy life.

It often goes hand in hand with depression and agoraphobia, so life comes down to – avoiding life. That is exactly how it was in my case. To begin with, let us clarify the terms.

What is anxiety?

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Anxiety is the body’s response to danger. It can also occur as a consequence of long-term stress or surviving trauma.

It has the role of protection, but when it occurs and when there is no danger, but it is always there, it can have an extremely negative impact on the quality of life.

Imagine living in a house where a danger alarm is activated every day. How unbearable that would be. That would be the only thing you hear and the only thing you can focus on. It’s the same with anxiety. It becomes the main focus in life.

When a person is in danger, the organism activates the “fight or flight” system like a switch.

The organism thinks like this: This man is in danger, let’s unite to help him all.

The heart, the brain, the muscles, the endocrine system, all quickly come together to come to our aid as soon as possible.

Some systems shut down quickly, while others turn on quickly. For example, creative and rational thinking is not important to us in times of danger – it goes out. When we find ourselves in danger, there is not too much time to think, we react instinctively.

What do we need?

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Power, speed and a strong focus on the danger. We get a lot of Explore your dark side. Our heart starts beating fast and fast, we feel that all our muscles are tightening, our legs are getting stronger, the focus is narrowed – all in the service of protecting your life.

But what if you feel this way every day, even though there is no danger?

Differences between fear and anxiety

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In fear, there is usually a real external danger, while in anxiety it is fear that often has no real and present reasons but comes from within.

It is a floating fear that exists somewhere in our imagined future and “what if” thoughts, which are accompanied by the worst possible scenarios.

You are always on guard because it is easier to worry and be ready if some terrible scenario really happens. Quite paradoxically, caring for you has the role of security and protection, although because of that worry you often cannot relax and live normally.

Anxiety that is not related to any particular situation, which arises from the clear sky, is called generalized or free-floating anxiety. In this text, the focus is on that type of anxiety.

When there is a situation, an object, the environment that causes it, we talk about situational anxiety.

Example: fear of disease

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Any other fear can be an example here, for example, the fear of public transport or some fear that bothers you.

It is important to notice the intensity of the fear, the duration of the fear and the degree of avoidance.

Example of fear: You are afraid to go to the doctor. You are afraid that you may be seriously ill, but this is not taking the form of a catastrophe. You don’t work out a film script in your head and countless “what if” questions, you already go to the doctor. Fear drives you to action instead of paralyzing you. If the analyzes show that everything is fine, the fear passes.

An example of anxiety: “What if I go to the doctor, and they find a tumour? My head has been hurting constantly for the last few days (you google of course)… I feel so dizzy from time to time that I think I will faint. That must not happen to me while I am away from home. What if I fall somewhere awkward? What if I really have a tumour and die? ”

Constant care and dark thoughts while avoiding going to the doctor. Fear paralyzes you to take action while at the same time affecting your quality of life.

It may go to the other extreme, so you go to the doctor non-stop. After all possible analyzes, the doctor assures you that everything is fine, but you do not believe and continue to go from one doctor to another.

Example of situational anxiety: You are not afraid of a potentially terrible diagnosis. You are not burdened by thoughts about it every day. You are afraid of the needle in particular. You are so afraid that your heart beats like after a marathon as soon as you smell the surgery. Anxiety passes quickly after the danger is over.

Example of phobia: The intensity of the fear of a terrible disease or a needle is so strong that you stop going to the doctor completely.

Now imagine how people live with agoraphobia, which develops to some extent as a result of panic attacks. Maybe you don’t have to imagine, maybe you already live with it.

Agoraphobia is the fear of open space, however, the essence of agoraphobia is in the fear of panic attacks. You are afraid that you will find yourself in a situation from which it is difficult to escape if you panic. You may feel worried and ashamed of what people will think if they see your panic and you start avoiding even dear people.

How do you know if you have anxiety?

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It is not always easy to determine exactly whether it is anxiety or something completely different.

Many spend several years in the offices of general practitioners and doctors of various specialities, going through numerous diagnostic procedures before reaching a psychiatrist. Just when the real cause of the problem is reached, a new “problem” arises. Even today, it is difficult for many to accept that the difficulties they have actually come “from their heads”.

This does not mean that you can automatically diagnose anxiety without going to the doctor and excluding other medical conditions.

For example, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), as well as increased activity of the thyroid gland – hyperthyroidism can give the same symptoms as anxiety. THAT IS WHY IT IS OBLIGATORY TO VISIT A DOCTOR AND TURN OFF THOSE POSSIBILITIES.

When is it time to seek help?

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When anxiety interferes with your daily functioning, when panic attacks start or when depression accompanies it all – it’s time to turn for help.

Believe me, after the first conversation. You will feel much better.

The fullness of life that I felt after coming out of anxiety is my main driver to start working on new projects.

I remember very well how I was sure it would never pass, and I remember very well how desperate I was because of it.

So I want to encourage you to seek help and want to tell you not to GIVE UP and not to think that it will always be the way it is for you now.

Life AFTER ANXIETY can be much more beautiful than that BEFORE anxiety.

It takes patience and works on the causes. Not just consuming medicines, but working on the causes. Anxiety is just a consequence. The cause is something below that.

Never despair if it doesn’t go the speed you want it to go. Just keep going forward.

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