A certain way to engage the partner you want

This story has nothing to do with age. It is merely intended for every independent being on this planet, eager for love and happiness.

Wondering if it’s possible to get the partner you want or do you have to make many compromises? Believe me, anything is possible.

Some people are struggling in their love life. Some don’t know how to win someone over, some don’t recognize what to do because their partner has changed, they are no longer so interested in sex, some don’t know whether to stay with a partner who is — for example — jealous… And much more.

What to achieve?

Either way, they befall all people who demand a solution to their love problems. At this place, you will find the best and most comprehensive tips that you can apply with absolute faith in success.

Before we move on to specific things, we need to establish and confirm some of them as facts. Like laying the foundation for something massive, something that must never fall apart.

What situations exist?

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Suppose you are in a love situation. For example, you want to win someone over, or you want that person to love you, to understand you, to love each other and to be wonderful when you are together. And you think your love story is unique and special. However, let’s analyze what this is absolutely about.

If you asked people around you if they had similar ideas about someone when they were your age, everyone would inform you that they were.

And if you asked them how it ended, half of them would tell you it didn’t matter, and some 49% would tell you they were delighted they didn’t end up with that person.

One should be aware that most relationships that started at a youthful age will end at some point, and for most of them, you will one day say thank god I didn’t stay with him or her. And that has nothing to do with anger or arrogance, but with common sense.

People are evolving in different directions, and proof of that is your best friend from elementary school, or maybe your sympathy from those days. Chances are very small that none of you has changed to this day and that you have not gone each in your own direction.

So whatever love situation bothers you, no matter how significant or tragic it is now, the truth is that it will become meaningless to you sooner or later.

What does it all depend on?

Whether this will happen sooner or later, mostly depends on your stubbornness. However, some insist on maintaining the existing relationship because it is something special for them.

How much do you know about people? How well do you know yourself? We’ll assume pretty well. Can we, then, agree with the statement that most people live life for themselves and do things that are in their best interest?

If we agree on this, we will also agree with the statement that both your and their attitudes will change over time. Thus, we will know more and more clearly what we desire in life and what we do not.

So, your interests may develop in a different direction from someone with whom you are intimate or very similar at the moment.

For example, you may want to start a new business or improve yourself, and the person in front of you may want to have fun.

Even if you think you are maximally committed to someone, what do you think, will that person change and adapt their life to yours, when they recognize exactly what their primary goals in life are? Would you adapt your life to someone?

Even if you think that you appreciate someone so much and that he is worth staying loyal to, you give up your ideas and dreams. You can’t recognize what’s going on in that person’s head. And would she be equally loyal to you? That is another significant thing to recall. People are greedy!

Who prefers whom?

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Most people will choose themselves rather than you, and that is why you should choose yourself first. People who have the same interests as you will come into your life just when you require it.

The third fact, which I guess we agree on, is that each of us possesses a certain amount of energy in our lives that we can use during the day. When we say energy, we mean the mental one. What we do most during the day — even if it is thinking — brings us the most energy during the day.

And even though you are not dealing with what is very important to you, you are dealing with it subconsciously. It can also be thinking about someone you are not doing as well as you would like.

People we don’t get along with are dissipating all the energy we have because your brain is looking for solutions to unpleasant things so that it can prevent them when they happen again. Therefore, where does this take us? In a completely logical place.

When a relationship bothers you, you have no choice but to deal with it. And in that way you become unproductive. And when you are unproductive, everything around you suffers, all your values – school, college, work, friendships that are good for you, and you in return get only the person who is bothering you.

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What happens then?

When someone tortures you, he dunks you for a bad place. In addition to such people, you lose a lot of time, energy and opportunities. It exhausts you in all possible ways: energetically, financially, psychologically and in every other sense and it stays with you.

And you know – you can’t progress as long as there is such a person in your life. The reasons for that are that you are with someone who draws you, you do not progress, and because you do not progress, you do not encounter new exceptional people and you do not create new business and life opportunities that will push you.

And that leaves you constantly in the same place, where there is someone who squeezes you and exhausts you, so you don’t progress. And so on, into a new circle of hell. Instead of dealing with your own progress, deal with personal drama. And what do we perform presently if we have all this in mind?

How to have a more decent future?

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We need to know that most of the relationships we have will actually shut down and become irrelevant, that people are selfish and dissipate our limited energy. So things have to change.

In the first place, we have to divide the vicious circle we are moving on. If you are in a relationship that is not good for you, end that relationship, free yourself time and energy to progress. And from there all the good things for you will come.

And if you are isolated, take the time to become a better version of yourself. First, analyze yourself well to see if you may be wrong somewhere, so your love life does not work.

Because this whole thing to be in a relationship with is overrated anyway. We only need to be in relationships where we are good, so good that we can grow and develop. And to grow, you need stability and routine.

If your love affair exhausts you, it will prevent you from progressing, working and growing. So, don’t choose people just to have a relationship.

Rather give up something and sacrifice for your future, and present, and you will see everything else will come out of it. Stay only in relationships that help you personally.

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How to recognize such connections?

Ask the question: what are you doing well for me, so that I have a reason to work for you? You’d rather be alone and invest in yourself, which will mean that he goes zero to higher than with someone who drags you into the red zone, from which it is considerably harder to get out.

By sacrificing something today, you can get incomparably more tomorrow. And finally, the thing to recall.

If you get rid of the ballast of a bad relationship and the idea that you require a relationship at all costs and invest your energy and time in yourself, you will become a better version of yourself. In every sense of the word.

And that is exactly what will attract better people into your life. As much as you think that the person who is torturing and harassing you is great, there is no chance that you have not seen better, more beautiful and interesting people in your life.

You may have thought that they are out of your league and home, which is certain if you spent your time and energy on things you didn’t need, instead of self-development.

Can you do better?

Keep in mind that you can engage people in your life who you think are out of your league. Because great people are attracted to great people.

And you become a tremendous person by not spending time on dramas, blackmail, pressure, treatment of silence, but you are dealing with more important things. Progress!

And when you start making progress, then the best people start coming into your life. You simply begin to belong to each other naturally. People are like that – they are attracted to when something happens in someone’s life.

They are attracted to good things when someone possesses something to talk about when someone is calm when someone has a purpose when he is doing well when he is relaxed, cheerful when he is developing. Everyone wants a person who is good in life. This is every law in life. Take any sphere of society, science, politics or anything else, and you will notice identities.

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At what price did they get it all?

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The better and more valuable something is, the more is given for it. This may not be to everyone’s liking. And maybe some want to stay in the relationship they are in. But there is a solution for such people as well. The cure for any terrible relationship is still – progress.

Just think how much is said, in fact logical. Each of your progress will make you feel better.

Even though you will find yourself in a better place, you will cause better emotions and in that way, you will be cured of negative emotions.

In addition, if you do something else, spend your mental energy on something better, you will not be focused on the bad things that are happening to you, and they will have to be solved by you. Naturally, if that person wants to join you.

Maybe that way you will be capable to save or win that someone you want so much. Although if we can be completely honest – we doubt it.

Because, if you fail to solve your dramas and dilemmas now, whether it is a bad relationship or non-existence of a relationship, it will hardly be resolved on its own without your effort and help.

Some people, we assume it’s not you, are addicted to drama and don’t want to get out of their dramatic vicious circles. Progress is the only solution to all your problems in love life.

Between you and much better things for you, there is either just one person who keeps you stagnant and minus or one belief that at all costs you must have someone now. Think about it.