Overcome anxiety, fears and panic

There are many reasons why people fall into anxiety, have panic attacks and are overwhelmed by various fears. The health situation in the whole world has only emphasized those primordial situations that people have been facing to a greater or lesser extent since the very beginning of the world, which is somehow natural.

However, what is happening in recent times goes beyond the natural and normal, leading people deep into illness, accidents and other negative conditions. However, we all ask whether it can be opposed. The answer is short and clear – YES.

How to control emotions?

02 anksioznost

We are all aware of the fact that in the last year there have been collective changes of enormous proportions, and that there is almost no person on the planet who has not reacted to all this in some way. Some were stronger, some more inconspicuous, but more or less everyone felt the consequences for themselves and their personal mental health.

All things considered, it requires a person to adapt to new situations, to change and make something of himself that he really is not. Is it easy and simple? Of course not and the consequence is emotional disorders that lead to various inconveniences.

Is everything so black?

Naturally, it is not. After everything that is happening, and what will happen, people will come out far stronger than they are now. Simply put, there is a great chance that we will all continue living in a far better and better way. How? Quite simply, we will learn to value and use every single moment, every situation or good opportunity that comes our way, without hesitation. And why? Well, because we will be careful and aware of the fact that everything can change again tomorrow. We must not leave anything to chance.

How to overcome problematic situations?

03 anksioznost

One of the ways we can deal with worries and problems involves adopting and developing different techniques to combat worries – mostly unfounded ones. And those worries are the basis for the emergence of anxiety disorders, that is, the response of the body and organism to excessive fear and worries that we cannot cope with.

One of the details, that is, the consequences of this way of behaving, is too much worry about future events. The moment we let the brain go into the future, we become two key questions that represent the key to activating panic, and those questions are “what if” and “what when.” The brain, in these situations, seems to be given the command to create the worst horror scenarios and images from which the hair on the heat rises. It is a kind of defence mechanism. And what comes to your mind depends on what your fears are and what you are most afraid of.

Then all these images are connected to each other until a grain of sand forms a rock that destroys everything in front of it. This means that comfortably seated in your favourite armchair, you will feel creepy. All the worst things will be on your mind, starting with the loss of a job, illness, lack of money… As a consequence of all that, there are real physical symptoms from which you can really suffer – to get sick. But really!

What are the symptoms?

Anxiety, in itself, leads to panic attacks of fear, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, the appearance of cold sweat, feel great tension and heaviness in the stomach, and more. In this way, your body gives you confirmation that something dangerous is happening around you. The key thing in that situation is to break down two things, and that is that emotion always has more weight than thought.

A thought, which is not accompanied in the body in the form of emotion, can never disturb a person to such an extent, and survive in reality, if that person does not experience it emotionally. This means that some thought towards which you do not have any emotion and which does not cause you any feeling will only pass through you, leaving no consequence. So, the cure is to let every thought through your body, not allowing it to provoke any emotional attitude or emotional response in you. It should be the same with all the thoughts that you start to project to yourself in certain situations.

Whence the fear

04 anksioznost

Fear is the primordial response to the existence of danger and a kind of alarm that prepares the body for an adequate reaction to preserve life safety. It remained in its original form in animals, but in humans, it evolved into a much more dangerous state, which can cause consequences from the goal. That is, of benefit – harm. Anxiety is a progressive condition that leads you to think that the problem is getting bigger and bigger and that no one can stop its progress. And you can’t!

Apart from the fact that panic occurs when the brain works in the “red zone” and creates images of the blackest horror related to the coming time if you try to stop the panic, it will become stronger, more intense and will press you harder and harder. So you are not able to stop that attack.

What to do in that case?

The best way to resist a panic attack is to give in to it. We can compare this to, for example, jumping off a cliff. As long as you are on a solid surface and you have not jumped, you do not have to fall. The moment you jump, there is no point in fidgeting and trying to get back to the starting point, because there is no point in that. You will definitely fall to the bottom. The less you fidget, the softer, softer and easier the landing will be. It is the same with fears.

What is fear and how long does it last?

05 anksioznost

Any fear, it has been scientifically proven, cannot last longer than 10 to 15 minutes. Unless you are constantly heating it up by trying to get rid of it. Therefore if something like that happens, don’t resist. At that time, there is a natural need to feel comfortable. And that is possible only in situations when you do not try to escape from the first signs of fear and discomfort. Why do people say “head through the wall”? So that everything bad that can happen to you happens as soon as possible, and that it passes just as quickly, returning you to a state of normalcy. Fear is, as we have already said, an alarm that thought in your head is not good and that needs to be freed. All this means that the point is not to fight how to neutralize this negative thought, but to find the cause that led to the appearance of all negativity and to eliminate or neutralize it, so that bad thought does not return again and again.

How to resolve it completely?

Hence, you need to reprogram yourself and bring yourself into a state where such situations no longer happen. It is important to understand those black thoughts and thinking about the horror that the future can bring, unreservedly lead to panic attacks. That is why it is very significant to concentrate on the present moment and live in it in the best possible way. Another thing is to recall one very important thing – excessive worry is an abuse of imagination.

What is the consequence of abuse of imagination?

06 anksioznost

Each of us, as a human being, has imagination at our disposal as a top tool that allows us to imagine the most beautiful and phenomenal things in this world, and to instantly experience all of them as if they are already there, physically tangible, and of course very pleasant. But that human trait has another side of the coin, that what you are afraid of and terrified your experience is far more intense than beautiful things. So – a mosquito will become an elephant very soon!

If you’re constantly worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet, and there’s likely no basis for it to ever happen, that means you’re abusing your imagination. In those moments, you experience something that you do not want to happen, every day in your mind, so for your body, being and mind, there is no difference whether you just imagine it or all those horrors really happen in your life.

A cure for all problems

It is cognition. The realization that it is completely unnecessary to worry about something that did not happen, that we should not go too far ahead and not deal with questions such as “what would happen if it were”, and worse to the culmination that simply breaks the whole being. So, we should concentrate on the present and get the most out of that perspective, and if possible, move into the future with positive and pleasant thoughts. They will cause a pleasant feeling, so there will be no negative thoughts, panic attacks or anxiety.

All these positive feelings will enable greater productivity and functionality in the present, which further opens a better path to the future. The key thing is to understand that it doesn’t matter if you imagine something or really experience it in reality – the organism reacts in the same way. If you don’t want anything, if you are very afraid of something, ask yourself a simple question: why do you allow yourself to go through it every day, with the same difficulties and problems that lead you to a more desperate and worse situation?

Isn’t it easier and healthier to make yourself think that it is better to live it only once, when and if it happens at all? Even if it was the most frightening thing in the world, exist it when and if it happens, and never again! You don’t have to go through the same thing every day, several times a day, over and over again and so on indefinitely. And you don’t want something like that to happen that much.

How many terrible things happen in life?

Short and clear – a lot! And, in fact, not a single one of them has happened in reality and your lives. Nor will it happen! So, it is not a question of what is happening, but what you are experiencing! And these are diametrically opposed things. On the one hand, in the most beautiful reality, you can experience hell, but only if you are a slave to your own thoughts. If you are someone who constantly projects the worst-case scenarios if you are experiencing everything you don’t desire.

On the other hand, in circumstances that are nowhere near ideal, you can live a fairy tale. Without exaggeration. But only if you consciously decide that you will focus your attention, thoughts and mental food only on those things that you like and cause only positive and beautiful thoughts in you, that is, a pleasant feeling.

What do we strive for?

What we all strive for our feelings. In any situation. We want them to be as beautiful and pleasant as possible. We do not aspire to events or objects. When you understand that, as well as the fact that our whole life revolves around feelings, you will start paying attention to beautiful and pleasant things, and you can get rid of the ugly and unpleasant ones.

If, on the other hand, something has to happen beyond what you want, experience it then, only once and never again. Don’t be a masochist and don’t bother constantly every day. One of the biggest misconceptions about anxiety is the saying “if I worry enough, something won’t happen”. And, in fact, if you worry so much, it happens to you! Every day of God. Likely, such a scenario will never happen, but you experience these situations absolutely every day!

Get rid of the idea that you will prevent fears from happening in the future, because it makes no sense, get rid of the idea that by constantly spinning some idiotic things in your brain, you will prevent them from really happening, and that you can keep it all under control – because you can’t and forget that once you have a panic attack, you will be able to control it by forcibly trying to stop it.

Understand that it is all about learning how to communicate with emotions, in the sense of not allowing that moment to occur, because a panic attack is nothing but the culmination of negative charges and emotions. Then there is an eruption, like a volcano.

But, if you don’t ask yourself in time what negative emotion appears somewhere at the end of your thoughts, and you don’t remove it from your brain, without waiting for it to grow to unimaginable dimensions. Then you will have more control over the fact that such a moment does not even happen, that so much bad happens to you that you (again) get into a situation to explore and get a panic attack.

How to prevent attacks?

07 anksioznost

A panic attack is prevented when it has not even happened. How? By choosing the way, you lead your life, by choosing how you communicate with yourself from within, what you pay attention to and how you live. After all, it is very important, especially in challenging periods, to lead a healthy and orderly life, because you are not even able to see how important it all is for your mental life. Choose what you want! Here we mean your brain and what is in it. You have the opportunity to choose the side – good or bad, it is up to you to understand it and become aware of it!

Talk to yourself, see what it is that brings you to such a state, and finally, decide that – enough. It is time for a change, the positive ones. You deserve it, no matter what! These are details that you can do for yourself, without anyone’s help, and most importantly without medication.

If you are unable to do so, you have no choice but to seek professional help. And be aware that the situation is not as terrible as it seems to you, and that every problem has its solution.

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