How to regain self-confidence?

As long as you think you are small, helpless or maybe quite ordinary, you will stay that way until you alter your opinion of yourself. And to do that, it is necessary to regain self-confidence and self-confidence. But it’s not that easy, is it?

What to do?

In recent times, people are beginning to feel a strong need to get rid of everything wrong and to change their behaviour, attitudes and, in general, worldview. People become aware that the “brakes” they keep on themselves for a long time do not lead them anywhere and that they are a great obstacle in their lives. Some are trying to clean up the recent, some the distant past, that is, all the negative remnants of those times and events from them.

Look at yourself

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So, as we have already mentioned, as long as you look at yourself with contempt, consider yourself small, unable to do anything concrete and valuable, or that you are just another in a series of ordinary people, ask yourself a simple question: do you really want to be like that? Or more importantly, do you want to keep that attitude about yourself as primary?

This attitude — unfortunately — prevails among a huge number of people. Although there are those among them who are trying to change something, to make important decisions in life easier and more correctly and to act followingly the situation that currently surrounds them.

Where do such attitudes come from?

The first problem dates back to childhood, from the moments when our parents constantly silenced us, said that we knew nothing, “put us in our place”, and did everything to elevate themselves in our eyes and make themselves an authority that no one can defy. So – from upbringing from the early days of childhood. This behaviour creates negative mental programs, which guide us through the entire remaining lifetime.

This is usually accompanied by physical and mental abuse, so it is clear that people who have gone through such torture have no self-esteem, but also no self-confidence.

Attitudes of the environment

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This means not only parents but also the school program, the people who surrounded us and surround us, from early childhood until today, through our subconscious have become our attitudes. At least we think so, although we are not even aware of it. We think about phenomena and things in life the way our parents, teachers, professors, friends thought… And have we ever thought about whether these are our attitudes or not? The answer is simple – we are not. Never! And why? Because we had neither the time nor the opportunity to build our own attitudes.

Only later in life, when we face a problem, do we ask ourselves why we think so? But only a small number of people find that what they think is wrong and even restrictive. These, in turn, seem to be the most common reasons why we are concealed in all that we – we are not! People often remain in that state of hibernation, with a great sense of guilt and the opinion that they are to blame for all the evils that are happening around them and that they will be punished for it.

Such persons rarely dare to come out with their opinion and take their position, imposing so-called self-censorship on themselves. Again for fear of provoking strong negative reactions from the environment.

Interestingly, in recent times a tendency for people has such problems to become aware and want to change and correct them. Fortunately, a large number of them are from the population of young people, who decided to start working on themselves, and very quickly realized where the problem was.

It is devastating when such people realize what forms of humiliation and oppression they have gone through? Why?

How do such people work?

At first glance, quite normal. But their wounds and sufferings are extremely deep. It takes many times and efforts to change the situation. In the first place for cleaning the energy and emotional damage of their body. And the spirit, of course. Only in this way can a person become empowered and return to the normal path, get rid of the negative attitudes and programs with which he is filled and live as a new and purified person? Remember, only a newborn does not have a single program implanted in the mental circuit.

What needs to be done?

It is necessary for a person to forgive. A lot to everyone, not only to the parents but also to all those who caused deep emotional wounds. But don’t forget to forgive yourself too! Why yourself? Well, quite simply – because we allowed something like that to happen to us.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the parents were not even aware of what they were doing and what damage they were causing to the most beloved being in their lives. They just wanted the best for their child. We should not forget the fact that they were programmed similarly, that they were brought up just as they brought up their children. They simply passed on the outdated way of upbringing to their heirs, not knowing anything better.

When and how to forgive?

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And that is exactly the turning point when a person in trouble should understand his parents and forgive them because they neither knew nor could do otherwise. Only then, after such an understanding, can forgiveness follow. We should be aware of the fact that it is not possible to forgive “by force. Only in a natural way and that is understanding the whole situation.

We cannot and should not lie to ourselves! That is why this way of understanding and comprehension is so important. After that, everything becomes considerably easier – heal the wounds, cleanse them and start appreciating yourself. Even loving yourself, the way you really are. And that’s how it was supposed to be from the very beginning.

The path to finding yourself and your authentic views is certainly not simple or easy. But due to the influence of the invested energy, it is much easier and faster. So, it is necessary to get rid of all the limiting beliefs and negative emotions that keep us where we are at the moment. Only in this way can we adapt to new times, values and energies? And that, among other things, means accepting Online Dating as an ordinary normal thing adapted to modern man.

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