There is the type of girls who are practically perfect in every way: handsome, beautiful, smart, they want to help everyone, to be useful to everyone, they are educated, hardworking, intelligent…
But the man they like doesn’t pay any attention to them. And they are in awe. What to do in such a case?
How is it even possible that they won’t? They were just excellent! And then there is literature in which it is stated that men love only evil women, witches, and do not pay attention to good ones.
Then comes complete confusion. There are indeed several complex explanations for why we enjoy certain types of people. Here we will try to unravel all these unknowns. More precisely, why guys are not attracted to good girls than they are – differently.
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What should be understood?
To follow each other immediately, let’s propose a few questions and select satisfactory answers. First, what separates friendship from a relationship?
Sex! Very good friends are not a couple because they do not possess only that one component in their relationship.
The next question is, what will decide if a man wants you for a girlfriend? The same thing. He will have to desire you sexually.
Girls who are (overly) honest perceive sex and sexuality as manipulation and they do not play with it. Or they are ashamed of that component.
They often do not want the emphasis to be on that, but on the old principle, not to say platitudes – enable him to cherish me as I am. And if he doesn’t love me, then I don’t require him.
And what now?
Indeed, we always emphasize what our strength lies in. If we are, for example, intelligent, we will emphasize that. Why? Because that is the fact that we enjoy the most about ourselves, we want to emphasize that and we want them to recall that.
If we are worthy, that is our trump card. But the world doesn’t work that way. And if we are to be completely honest, all these qualities serve to remain a man later.
The reason for getting into a relationship is largely sex. Let’s face it. We don’t want to humiliate a man’s intelligence in this way. By no means.
This is a completely natural thing, an instinct we cannot resist. And it is directly related to the extension of the species.
There is a need in human nature to transfer one’s own genes. And they are not transmitted by sneezing! Genes are transmitted only through sex, so this sequence of circumstances is a completely standard and anticipated thing.
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Does honesty contribute to the goal?
The excess of honesty that good girls broadcast is an ordinary reason why such girls are not in relationships.
We connect good people, notably good women, with mothers. And we can’t boast an erotic attraction to such women. On the other hand, sex is needed. For that reason, those two things are quite contradictory. That’s why men don’t want you.
Not because you’re good, but because you’re not sexy enough for them.
Stay the same or change?
Now, the question is how do you stay what you are and become sexually attractive to men? It should not be neglected that all these qualities will show all their power later in the relationship.
A few small techniques, plus the qualities you undoubtedly possess are a winning combination. With a little effort, you will become a woman who is desired and kept forever.
What to point out first?
The first thing to point out is that everything can be learned. That also applies to being sexy. Anyone who has learned to walk in heels knows how difficult it is, but you have learned with a little practice.
People are not born educated, only some cultures emphasize sex appeal more, on certain meridians, it is learned from an early age, and somehow it is in the blood of all girls and women. In some countries, you will encounter extremely sexy dances.
Cuba, maybe? Brazil? But in that case, sex appeal is learned.
Second, sex appeal is a decision. If you decide to be serious, you will be. If you decide to laugh, you will laugh. If, on the other hand, you decide to be sexy, you will become so.
At a push, you should keep that in mind when you are with a man you like. If you like that man, don’t go there to make yourself another friend or interlocutor, but to win him over. Well, now, being sexy is not the same as behaving like a girl without morals.
It is not true that when we talk about sex we have only two extremes – black and white. There are many shades of grey, so add a drop of black to your white – in this case. Just enough to turn slightly grey.
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What when you set out to conquer?
Therefore, when you decide to go to conquer a guy, not a friend, put your sexuality first. Even the one you’re just training. A few details that will help in this situation are your body language. Women in ovulation walk in a certain way.
This is scientifically proven, not just an empty story. In short – they sway more with their hips and thus lure a potential partner. So, don’t walk heroically, like a soldier, but sway your hips a little seductively. However, do not overdo it, because you can move from sex appeal to the zone of vulgarity at work.
Women who are sexy really emphasize their figure. Not vulgarly, but in two ways.
By emphasizing only one of the trump cards that they want to pay attention to (Legs, chest, butt…), but you should not use wide pants and an oversized T-shirt, as well as a mini skirt and a large neckline.
This way of dressing makes sense in show business and represents a costume, stage effect. But if you’re not in that business, it’s no longer sexy but vulgar.
Another way is to emphasize the waist. Just to emphasize the ideal proportions between the chest, waist and hips. It turned out that just such a way of emphasizing female attributes to men is extremely sexy.
At least to most of them. So, you should not be naked – not at all, but it is desirable to show your “hourglass.” And even if you don’t have it!
Men will not register it the way a woman’s brain would. Nature has arranged for men to notice your call more than the shortcomings you have.
Some studies show that women who wear sexy underwear feel more sexual. And that makes sense, because when we know how to adjust, then we feel more confident.
Both men and women. However, since some girls do not want to attract that “negative attention” to themselves, they do not give themselves the freedom to dress. Wearing sexy lingerie could help such girls. Why? Because only you will know what you are wearing nicely.
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How to behave?
Now that you are “equipped”, let’s see what we will do with the behaviour. It is very important to come to terms with the fact that you cannot be sexy to everyone. For example: for men who like dark-skinned women, white women will not be attractive.
Vice versa. If you imagine that everyone has some affinities, as you have them, then it is clear to you that with some you will have a higher and with some a lower pass.
So the general advice is to focus on men who are already interesting to you. You will be safer next to them, so you can play everything else.
If and when it comes to meeting that man, what you need to focus on is slowness. Believe it or not. Now another question follows: if someone asked you who was the most attractive woman in the world where ever, what would you say?
Except for personal references, everyone agreed that it was Marilyn Monroe. And what distinguished her? The slowness of her movements. When you look at a lot of what she did, you realize that she did it very slowly. It seems that was one of the secrets of her sex appeal, that she seemed so smooth. She even blinked her eyelids slowly.
Therefore, when you are already in his company, eat slowly but sensually. Pamper yourself, speak slowly, say less… You are not there to impress him with your knowledge. He will understand how smart you are from just a few of your sentences.
Also, you need to understand that you are sexual. Speak softly, leave the impression of “comfort.” In a world where everything is hectic, crazy and fast, you will be different, and he will want you.
Does it work online as well?
Yes! Slowness does a good job I Online. If you are corresponding, or perhaps looking through the camera, also express the impression that you are thinking about something, talk lightly and do not rush to conquer him with words, but show that you are perfectly comfortable in your own skin.
It’s best if you’re able to look him in the eye while talking because that’s a really good combination.
The eyes play a very important role in our being. In the dream of our view, people know what is on our minds. That’s why looking in the eyes serves, after all.
To see through a person’s intentions, based on the facial expressions of his face and eyes. That is why you must look a man straight in the eye so that you do not look bored because of your slowness.
However, even in this situation, one should not exaggerate. Don’t allow yourself to look like you’re at a job interview, but find some fine measures.
A good measure would be, for example, a combination of focusing on him and a slight disinterest.
What tricks to apply?
Here’s a trick that will make you very sexy when it comes to looking. Lower your head a little down to your chest, and look up at him.
By no means be tense. Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a nervous and angry person. And when we say tense, we mean those girls who say they are serious and don’t play games.
In that case, you will have to forget about all the men who like games of any nature – on the computer, on the sports field, in cars… So, almost everything.
Then, show a desire for him. Tell him something that can be interpreted in two ways. For example, it’s so exciting to talk to you. Or, if he sends you a good song, tell him it’s sexy. You need to tell him that he is so powerful in what he does.
Also, anything that can be verbally used in sex games, wrap it in something else and use it. It must not be direct because you will turn out to be vulgar, but indirectly mentioning that word in some optional communication will make it “ring.” You can add, “if you know what I mean” at the end of the sentence. For pure fun. And the guys in that situation just have their heads exploding!
You can do the same by talking about anything and behaving smoothly at the same time. It’s like a song. Words and music are one, but we feel more music, rhythm, tonality…
In your case, it’s pure sex appeal. This is followed by something that will help most girls of this type because they do not want to look promiscuous or vulgar or something like that. And they don’t know how to pinpoint that fine line.
In everything you do, add a touch of shyness. No matter how far you go in your coquetry, and since you are a fine girl, we do not believe that you will go too far, if you paint it all with innocence, shyness, your naivety will annul it all.
If you manage to perform as if you were doing all these things by accident, it will balance out the part that worries you so much. And that is not to sound simple. And in the end, like you convey a sexy impression, and when do you leave?
Go in the middle of a conversation. Don’t let the conversation cool down, so you can withdraw. When you sense that you have already told each other a lot, say that you have to go. Because if he is excited to talk to you, he will stay thrilled even after the conversation.
Because then he is not sure whether he won you or not, and that turns on his receptors for hunting. And here’s the man you desire. He’ll think about you all day, and he won’t know why.
Honesty is exceptional quality and you should never give it up. But when meeting and weighing, don’t go for that card, because you are not there for work, but for partnership. And we have already mentioned what separates friendship from partnership.
People must have some reason to think of you and want to see you again. And for men, sex in an announcement seems to be habitually a compelling reason. That’s the way things endure.