Well, that “but” can be a problem and an obstacle to expressing feelings. So, on this occasion, we are addressing the topic of how to make it clear to the person you like, without embarrassing yourself.
Presently, imagine that the dynamics of the relationship are disrupted at the very beginning when one person shows an active interest in another. Naturally, in a subordinate position is the person who insists more on the relationship and who shows more interest.
How to start?
On this occasion, we are talking about how to indicate to someone that you like and to do it in a way that preserves your dignity and that your attractiveness, in fact, grows. At this place, of course, we are not talking about games, but about knowing the human psyche.
The basic problem because absolute honesty doesn’t go well with a partner is that people start from themselves, and behave the way they would like the person they like to treat them. They would like, for example, to receive a compliment from a person they like, or for that person to inform them that they also had a good time with him or her.
Attraction must be mutual
People persistently forget that even though they like someone, it does not mean that it is mutual. It should be borne in mind that the first meetings are actually testing whether you remain an absolutely excellent potential partner. The person towards you has not yet decided if he wants to be with you, and then you force him in the wrong direction with that premature enthusiasm. While she is still assessing who you absolutely are. Thus, according to your criteria, nice statements and gestures, you signal to that person on a subconscious level a bunch of not extremely attractive things about yourself.
For example, that you do not consider criteria, that you are a little desperate, that it is easy to delight you… Don’t forget, all this happens on a subconscious level. People who have not nevertheless decided for you, cannot help you without starting to perceive you as, to put it mildly, nothing special.
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
Recall how you feel when you receive compliments from a person who is not interested in you or is hard on you. And from people who are repulsive to them, women even shy away. Now, why do people say they like someone? Because no one likes to invest in something that maintains no perspective. When you are not sure what your chances are with someone, you have no choice but to chase signs, hand touches, attention and body language, and so on, or to press a specific person to candidly tell you if something can be there or not.
Since we can’t ask a direct question, such as whether you like me, tell me honestly not to get carried hence with you anymore if this is answered in the negative, the best option we have been to say “I like you very much.” And after that, we wait for that person to confirm the same. At the minimum, because she’s uncomfortable saying the opposite.
Gray zone
People altogether don’t like grey zones in entertainment, and no matter how much that uncertainty is a modern trend, people always try to get something concrete that they can catch.
Another reason why people do this is that they think in a way that “I would enjoy to receive compliments and that is why I will do what I would like them to do to me.”But this is not an excellent principle, because you forget to start here afresh. If you want to receive compliments, it just means you don’t get enough of them, so that’s significant to you.
On the other hand, if that person is significant to your compliment. It likely means that he or she has received compliments from others as well. Attractive women or successful men constantly receive praise for what they are. So, your compliment is just a grain of sand in the desert. Your compliment to men means they have a faster and better chance than he thought. And women, who are still not sure if you are a good choice for them, actually sharpen their compliments, because they know exactly what is on your mind.
What is behind it?
In all these situations, people are intuitively prepared to recognize things that are not said. Taken literally, it attends that presenting compliments is bad. But that is not accurate.
Praise possesses its place in people, but you need to know when and how to perform it. Compliments that are allowed and even desirable in the first meetings are those that relate to something that the person has done and those that relate to what that person is proud of. It merely means that you have recognized the effort that the person has done for you and that you can expect further in the future. So, praise if someone worked hard for you. Why are only such compliments really the only good compliments? At least at the beginning.
You can’t obstruct your work
When we work on something, our body produces hormones that reward our work – serotonin, endorphins and so on. Therefore, in our head, we equate work with pleasure and happiness, and if someone praises that work, we subconsciously connect that person with something pleasant. So, that person connecting us with us makes us happy.
Basically, by praising people for something they do, you encourage them to do even more things that make them feel good. On the other hand, by praising people for things they have received or not put much effort into around them, you are supporting them in something insignificant.
An alternative
Another type of compliment recommended at first meetings is compliments related to things people are proud of. People like to talk about things that interest them and that they perceive as their victories. A compliment for something practical like this means that you approve of that person and want to hear more about something they do well for themselves. That’s why these are such powerful compliments. You communicated that you observed what that person was interested in, you emphasized it, and you encouraged the conversation about it. So who wouldn’t cherish you?
Pay attention to one thing. People don’t like to talk about things they do routinely. They would rather talk about things they are interested in and in which they are producing some progress. However, you should pay attention to the details that not everyone notices, but only those of refined taste. It’s an ideal combination.
If you don’t know how to assess what a person is interested in, somewhere below the surface, listen to them carefully and try to recognize how their eyes close when they start talking about something. Catch that enthusiasm and enthusiasm when that topic is suggested.
The role of social networks
Spying on social networks is acceptable, but it does not have to provide you with the right information, as it is most often a display of an image of yourself that we require everyone to see. Listening and asking adequate questions to find out what that person is proud of and then complimenting them on that will totally set you apart from everyone who is already informing them about success, beauty or other trivial things that have grown into platitudes.
An effective way to give a compliment on the first date is to praise something, but that person cannot instantly understand whether he or she has been praised or… Prefer something semi-essential and praise the person for it. If the compliment is a bit vague and not addressed directly to that person, it will remain intriguing. So if you like that person at all, he will think about it all night.
Do you have enough courage?
Plus, if you have the courage, you can turn praise into something provocative. The brain is a miracle, so it will connect such statements with something that is sexy. And sex is the ultimate pleasure and even the urge. And it’s definitely an absolutely effective way to make someone very interesting.
How do you nestle in someone’s head as a potentially leading partner? Show that you are similar. People love similarities. Highlight any similarities you remember. Regardless of whether you are the same zodiac sign, whether you express ordinary interests, friends…People love people who are like them. Here, in fact, we are playing with basic human instincts to find a partner. And a partner is most often found through compatibility.
Ignore differences
After all, we have said, it is significant to emphasize the need to minimize differences. If, on the other hand, it is important to mention some differences, minimize them by saying that you have nothing against people who think, love or feel otherwise. Therefore at this place, we are talking about ways to please people you like very much, rather than insisting on some of your ideas.
When it comes to differences, but also otherwise, point out that you are open to modern knowledge, that you are interested in discovering something about things you don’t know much about. This will be very intriguing for people who express relatively unusual interests. Don’t abandon kindness. That is inevitably a capital recommendation because it says a lot about a person.
When is the time for action?
When it is finally allowed to say something like “I enjoy you very much”? That vivid moment enters the scene when you are already sure that the person in question has decided for you and that he is investing his energy in you, and not in a few other people. What do you get out of it? In a way that you have refrained, when the person towards you is used to people already preferring her, you communicate that you have not yet decided for her, she or he is just on the test. So you have a standard and you don’t know if you want to enter into a relationship with that person until you get to know them well enough and find out if they meet your standards. You can even say this openly. Naturally, adequately. The self-confidence that comes from that is very attractive because you literally communicated what you chose and in that way you put yourself in a somewhat superior position.
What in the end?
At any rate, it will make a person work hard around you, invest their emotions in you… If we have already concluded that work causes confident feelings and emotions, as well as that the more we invest in someone, the harder it is for us to separate him. Therefore, wisdom and wisdom in the head and let embark on recent conquests. Good luck!