5 myths about a relationship you need to know about

There is no ideal love like that from cheap series and romantic comedies. All the stereotypes that are imposed there are far from real life. No one is perfect, so one should accept and love the flaws of the other. Forget unrealistic expectations and embrace reality.

The relationship should be passionate

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Certainly, the love relationship will be passionate at the beginning, which will contribute to the feeling of closeness and sharing intimacy. It would be ideal for that original flame of passion to continue, but without pretentious expectations, in the form of constant sparks and tearing clothes off.

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A couple should share the same interests

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Of course, you should like similar things and have common hobbies, but everyone is still a person for themselves, so it’s okay to have your own personal interests. If the other partner joins them and accepts them, it will be nice, and if not, it really won’t be the end of the world.

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Happy couples never quarrel

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If you are arguing, it means you love each other, because if there are no discussions and disagreements, it means that you are practically not overly interested in each other. But if you care about the other person, it is only natural you will catch up someday. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to shout or throw plates in all directions but to understand that occasional discussions are quite good for the quality of the connection.

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Everyone must love each other’s family and friends

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Remember you are in a relationship with a person because of mutual love, understanding and affection. Just because you’re happy together, don’t mean you have to be happy with all your family members and every friend. Mutual respect will be enough, and a pleasant conversation from time to time.

The ideal couple always spends time together

If you want to be tied to your partner with an umbilical cord, forget about that story right away. Everyone has to work, go to work, have other obligations and their own interests. Also, everyone needs to have time for themselves, and at least for a moment to be alone. That is why being separated from your partner is sometimes a very healthy habit.

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