Doctors, psychotherapists, and the most recognized psychologists at the international level, the people who developed the system called Psychological Aikido, and the first to use it in practice, state that it is important to understand the environment and oneself. Of course, to live better.
What should we do?
Among them, the following 20 tips stand out, which will help you solve many life situations:
– If a person cannot say anything good about himself, and wants to say something, he starts talking badly about others.
– Bite science, not the throat of your neighbour, if you really want to bite something.
– A depressed state is given to a person to think about himself.
Also check:
– Nobody rejects anyone, only someone goes forward. He who has stopped considers himself rejected.
– If you think well of yourself, why is it necessary for someone else to think well of you.
– Do what you want, and don’t ask for permission. You won’t get it.
– The ability to love and tolerate loneliness is an indicator of spiritual maturity. We do our best when we are lonely.
– An immature person often knows but does not know-how. Mature not only knows but also knows how. Therefore, the immature person criticizes, and the mature one-acts.
Also check:
– I don’t know the way to success. But I know the way to failure – it’s the desire to please everyone.
– There is no male or female logic, there is the ability or inability to think wisely.
– Want to know your main enemy? Look in the mirror. Fight him, and the others will run away.
– Achieve success – the insults will pass.
– It is pleasant to talk to friends, useful with enemies.
– There is only one valid reason for termination of employment and termination of employment – the impossibility of personal growth in the given circumstances.
– Only joy should be shared with friends and enemies. The friend will rejoice, and the enemy will be upset.
– Don’t chase happiness, and you will find a place where it lives. And happiness will find you on its own. I can tell you the place where your happiness lies – in yourself. And the path to it is the maximum development of all one’s abilities.
– Happiness is a “by-product” of properly organized action.
– If you want to prove something to someone, it means that you live because of which you want to prove it too. If you live for yourself, then there is no need to prove anything to anyone.
Also check:
– Imagination is the voice of our abilities. So I don’t dream of singing in an opera. I have neither voice nor hearing. And if I fantasized, my imagination would fuel my abilities accordingly.
That’s why I would try to get to the opera. You just have to think about how to make that dream come true. The main thing here is not to hurry, then dreams come true relatively quickly.
It is good when a person can say the following about himself: “I only deal with trying to make my dreams come true.”
– It is better to communicate with a good book than with an empty man.
Can you lose anything if you just try to implement this or at least some of the above rules? Of course, your life can improve. It certainly won’t break. So, head up and take a new path!