9 steps to a perfect erection

Every man has in mind how to achieve and maintain a perfect erection at all times. It is simply “male pride” and a detail that gives every man self-confidence makes him a perfect lover and more. Whether that’s the case or doesn’t matter now. It is significant to get acquainted with some of the most important facts that will allow you to achieve and maintain an erection whenever you need it and as much as you want. Is something like that possible? So let’s go, without any special order. You may want to try your hand at one of the Dating Sites? Who knows?

Maintaining a healthy weight

In as many as 30 per cent of cases of erectile dysfunction, a loss of only 10 per cent of bodyweight solves the problem. You don’t believe it? Try one of the diets, and you will be convinced of the truth of this statement.

Exercise for at least half an hour every day

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Exercise stimulates the work of the whole body, as well as the better function of the penis. If you are not the type of man who likes to exercise, a walk will be enough. If you have a pet – a dog – it will make your daily activities and physical exercises easier.

Don’t let sex become routine

After a while, men start to respond to the sexual stimuli they are used to, so turn on your imagination. Isn’t it a rarity that your current partner gets bored, that he doesn’t attract you as much as before? Sit with him or her, talk about something that could strengthen your passions and desirability, find a way to become attracted to each other again.

Sometimes it can be enough just to change the environment, and the desire for sex can return. Maybe even more than was the case before? What does it cost you to try?

Give yourself some privacy

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If your apartment or house is constantly crowded, you will not be able to fully enjoy sex. So, organize yourself moments of loneliness with your partner, relax and enjoy each other. A romantic weekend for two? Why not? Find a cottage in a mountain, on a river or a nearby lake. Dedicate yourself to each other and enjoy the magic.

Watch what you eat

Scientific studies indicate the importance and efficiency of the Mediterranean diet. It is not a matter of having to eat expensive seafood and personal groceries. The point is in a balanced diet and the nutrients that the Mediterranean diet offers. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables, various salads, and one of the main ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine is olive oil.


If you think all the time about how you have to last as long as possible, how you have to bring your partner to orgasm, there is a high probability that you will not last and that sex will be a complete failure. So, relax and enjoy. Don’t be ashamed, tell your partner what you want and try to provide each other with everything (secretly) you want. Why not? Age should not be an obstacle for you.

Take time for sex

If you are in a hurry, it is challenging to achieve the proper mood. Therefore, if you do not have enough time for full enjoyment, it may be better to skip some opportunity than to torture yourself and your partner. Quickie can sometimes be stimulating and enchanting, but real pleasure allows unique relaxation and the absence of any restrictions. In the first place those weather.

No rush and pressure

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Keep in mind that you don’t have to make anything in life, not even have top-notch sex every time. If you are under pressure, for example, if you are trying to have a baby, you may have erection problems due to stress. And there are a bunch of other reasons why you are not in a position to excel in that area. Don’t be afraid: they can be a health problem, but mostly they are not the reason for not getting an erection at the desired time.

Don’t drink

Alcohol negatively affects erection, so avoid it just before intercourse. After the pleasure, you can treat yourself and your partner with a glass of quality pizza, but not if you want to continue playing. Alcohol and sex never go together – at least if you address the qualitative aspect of the sweetest game in the world.

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