9 foods that endanger health after the age of 30

The world of nutrition has long been the subject of various theories, however, what further complicates the establishment of a diet that will suit you is that your body is a unique assembly and therefore the diet should be adjusted in detail. A nutritionist will aid you with that. However, years of research have established a list of harmful substances and foods and how they predominantly affect health.

It is known that processed and extremely processed foods, trans fats and refined sugar are caloric foods but poor in nutrients, especially micronutrients (such as vitamins and minerals). If this type of diet prevails in your life, combined with hours and hours of sitting, your health suffers adverse consequences. From the age of 30, when most men start to start a family and lead a more hectic life, unhealthy food begins to play an increasingly prominent role in the diet, while physical activity lags behind.

The expert team singled out a list of nine foods that should be especially avoided:

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  1. Margarine – this food, in addition to being rich in saturated fats, is also rich in trans fats. Instead of margarine, opt for extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Fruit yoghurt – a seemingly healthy choice, buying fruit yoghurt is rich in sugar and fat. You can always combine plain yoghurt and fruit instead of artificial. That way you can manage your sugar and fat.
  3. Donuts/Fried foods — in addition to being a source of fat, the frying process produces the compound acrylamide — also known as toasted carcinogen!
  4. Red meat – although it is a proper source of protein, the World Health Organization has long declared red meat carcinogenic. In addition, it is rich in saturated fats.
  5. Non-alcoholic drinks/Juices – will refresh you at the moment, but they will also treat you with large amounts of sugar, and often with artificial colours and preservatives, which is why they are not useful for sweat. Instead of these drinks, opt for sugar-free lemonade or water.
  6. Food with “hollow calories” — ultra-processed and processed foods, such as crackers, chips, heated food, in short — everything that makes children and adults happy!
  7. Refined flour bread – a favourite food of many, but from a large number of types you can opt for healthier ones, such as those made from whole-wheat grains. Remember that if you choose healthier bread, then choose what you eat with it accordingly.
  8. Alcohol – after the age of 30, the metabolism of alcohol is significantly worse than in a younger organism. The result is worse hangovers and easier fattening.
  9. Energy drinks – too much sugar, too few nutrients.

Food that ruins your sexual appetite

Erection is a kind of health barometer for every man. Chiefly because healthy sexual desire depends on optimal testosterone levels, minimal stress and excellent work of the cardiovascular system. If only one of these segments fails, your permanent erection will be hit.

One of the common causes of these male problems is a certain type of food. This is a list of five foods you should avoid or minimize at best.


Occasional consumption of alcohol is acceptable, but drinking this type of drink every day will have a bad effect on your sex life.

Alcohol is a depressant and can disrupt the connection between the brain and the body, which explains our behaviour and “honesty” when we drink a few more glasses. Excessive doses of alcohol stop the flow of blood to the penis, and as a result, a bad erection occurs. In addition, alcohol creates a greater feeling of annexation and also affects the creation of excess weight in the body. One study found that sexual dysfunction occurs very often in alcohol addicts, in as much as 72 per cent through various types of deviations.


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Artificially sweetened carbonated juices also belong to the category of very unhealthy foods. High estimates of corn fructose syrup affect the appearance of various erectile dysfunctions, according to one study. In addition, this type of drink affects the formation of excess fat deposits, especially on the stomach, and this makes it difficult to maintain an erection.

Fried food

Consuming excessive amounts of foods stored in trans fats usually leads to health problems. Plaque occurs in the circulatory system, which impedes blood flow to the penis. The more obese you become, the lower the level of testosterone in your body, and your cardiovascular system will be hit.

Microwave popcorn

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The inner part of the sacs containing popcorn contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which is associated with the development of cancer of the testicles, liver and pancreas. There is a clear link between PFOA acid and sexual problems, so think twice about what to eat while watching a movie or a game.


Isoflavones in soy affect the additional secretion of estrogen in the male body, and that is definitely not good news when we talk about a healthy sexual life of a man. One confirmed these data, claiming that this plant food lowers testosterone levels. These results proved to be accurate because they were tested on men from parts of the world where soy is one of the main food ingredients, as is the case with Japan.

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