Why is it good to sleep naked?

Take a look at five reasons why sleeping without clothes will already have a positive effect on your health and mood today. No matter what attitude you have towards going to bed like this.

Better sleep quality

One study scientifically proved that some forms of insomnia or insomnia can be caused due to improper regulation of body temperature at night. While you sleep, your body temperature must be properly regulated to be in the stage of deeper sleep for as long as possible. Leading experts tested this theory with thermal insulation suits to lower the subjects’ skin temperature without affecting body temperature. The direct result? The subjects were in a deep sleep for a long time and spent the night without waking up.

Therefore, if you use too many blankets at night, you will have a restless sleep. If you use less or sleep naked, the body will only regulate the temperature of your skin and your sleep will be of better quality.

It destroys belly fat and regulates cholesterol

02 spavanje

Natural cooling of the body at night can lower your cholesterol levels. Cortisol or the so-called stress hormone is responsible for any abnormalities in the body, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, restless sleep and increased appetite, which usually lead to hormonal imbalances and a weaker immune system. When your body is at rest, cortisol levels drop to a minimum. After two in the morning, the glands begin to secrete it to prepare your body for waking up and starting the day. When you don’t get enough sleep, wake up with abnormally high levels of cortisol, which stimulates your appetite and increases the chance that you will overeat.

Stimulate the release of anti-ageing hormones

If the temperature in your bedroom is above 21˚C, your body will not produce and release melatonin and growth hormones, which are the most important anti-ageing hormones. Melatonin is secreted when you sleep in complete darkness, which causes the body to cool down. When the body temperature drops, growth hormones are secreted into the blood. The longer you sleep, the more growth hormone will be secreted. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

She gives birth to bodies

Growth hormones affect tissue regeneration and healthy body composition. Those who sleep less than six hours a day have three times the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the increase in adipose tissue is also the result of a lack of sleep. Cortisol and appetite-boosting hormones destroy your body, increase the improper secretion of insulin in the blood and prevent the proper consumption of fat deposits for energy. In a word, a disaster.

Increases oxytocin secretion

03 spavanje

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone of goodwill also called the hormone of love. It is secreted during orgasm, in sexually charged situations, and has a robust effect on stress and depression. If you and your partner sleep naked, when your skin is touched during the night, oxytocin secretion will be more frequent. In addition, sexual desire will increase and do not be surprised if your sweetheart wakes you up in the middle of the night for a little sexual exercise.

If these reasons are not enough to sleep naked from today, there is no help for you!

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