Some of the most common untruths about the period without sex are abstinence, are that it can lead to infertility, that men cannot be challenged to function normally without regular sexual intercourse, and some claim that everything depends on the body type.
Side effects of abstinence
A lot of evidence suggests that sex life has a positive effect on human health, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, consuming excess calories, rejuvenating, strengthening the immune system, training the prostate and much more. Simultaneously, sexual abstinence negatively affects sperm motility, increases the risk of prostate disease, and can cause erection problems.
Certain effects of sexual abstinence can be beneficial, such as using excess energy for something else, but in general, long-term abstinence is harmful. Increased sexual desire, which he tries to manipulate, can cause certain neurological disorders, as well as the possibility of developing an affinity for perversions.
Consequences of abstinence And what do they both depend on?
Abstinence is a very individual thing and varies with the intensity of libido in an individual. The level of consequences of abstinence depends on its length as well as on the age at which the person is. A man up to 25 years of age with a strong libido can feel problems after two weeks of abstinence, but that will not affect his sexual functions.
At the age of 30 to 35, several months of abstinence can cause premature ejaculation and erection problems. These problems usually disappear when sexual activity becomes frequent. Men, who are over 50 and abstain for several months, may lose sexual functionality.
How to end the period of abstinence?
Men between the ages of 18 and 29 have an average of 112 sexual experiences during the year. Do you fit the statistics?
How to avoid dry years?
Even though you did not enjoy sex as much as you wanted last year, that does not mean that you should lower your criteria and think only about sex. Bad sex can only make your bad period worse and prolong it and make your need only intensify. The same goes for sex with your ex– he will not get you out of loneliness and abstinence.
So how do you keep your expectations and hopes at a senior level? Decide to stay in the game, even when you don’t have sex for a while. Don’t be discouraged. Go out on the town, meet new people. Or do it through Dating Sites! Your chances are huge, and it is in those places that you can find what suits you.
The key is not to fall into a desperate mood and depression. It’s not good for you or your self-confidence either, and so desperate and listless you won’t be too attractive to your potential partner either. The more confidence you have and show it, the greater the chances that you will break the curse and break the period of abstinence.
What to do during abstinence?
The amount of sex you need is a matter of independent nature, but the most important thing is that while you are looking for a potential lady, with whom you would like to share low passions, you stay healthy. If you haven’t had sex at least a few times in the last month, the least you can do is masturbate to stay in the saddle. There’s something in the old saying – what you don’t use, you lose.
Another very important thing during abstinence is not to compare yourself with people from the environment, especially because you can never know if someone is telling the truth or is more inclined to imaginary stories to impress you.